Cornell RD Class of 2025

I now realize that getting an interview means nothing, if the post on Reddit is true.

Someone posted on Reddit that they got an invitation for an interview. They did not complete their application. They just sent the first part of the common app and failed to complete the rest of their Cornell application. How does Cornell waste an interview on that applicant?

They’ve said all along the Interview means nothing.


A likely letter is a message to inform students that they are accepted before the official decisions are released. Usually likely letters are sent out, I believe, from the end of Feb. to March. But I have no idea on how many would get one, and if they are via mail or email. (or both

Email. And the vast majority of accepted applicants will not receive a Likely Letter.

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I applied to SHA with a solid essay and my interview went very well. But i know SHA is competitive during RD season

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Thanks!!! I did not know this existed. So we shouldn’t stress if we don’t get one?

Do not stress about likely letters


My friend in CALS had multiple APs, 1490 SAT, and strong EC but she got a transfer for her sophomore year from Bing

Hi - would love to hear more about what you know on likely letters in general and for Cornell Hum Ec in particular? My D applied RD to Hum Ec. No LLs here! I feel like she is a strong candidate, but this year nothing seems to be working in her favor.

I hear a lot about the guaranteed transfer option for public schools at Cornell. Does anyone know how much of those they give?

in past years some of the cornell colleges have sent out likely letters. I believe that all of them send for high stat diversity applicants, and I’ve heard of them for women in engineering. I don’t believe they are sent out solely for strong applicants without some sort of “hook” as mentioned above. I’m not sure if human ecology sends them and I am not even 100% confident that they have been sent out already.

I think in past years only ILR, SHA and athletes have sent likely letters. With so many applications this year and them pushing everything back to April, if they send them they’ll probably be later. But since it’s like no other year, anything can happen. They’re pretty rare so I wouldn’t bank on one.

So they don’t send out likely letters to those who don’t have very great scores?

i don’t believe so but i might be wrong

they don’t generally (unless athletes as someone said). The point of the likely letter is to get over qualified applicants to matriculate. There are definitely some students who are “overqualified” for Cornell, and could get into schools like Harvard, MIT, etc. that are supposed to be even better. Likely letters try to get them excited and potentially leaning more towards Cornell. but they don’t send many out. My sister was completely overqualified, got into MIT and stuff, and didn’t get a likely letter (and she ended up choosing Cornell over MIT!)

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I tried to skim the thread, but could have missed it. Has anyone visited Cornell? I know that the website says “temporarily closed to visitors” but it does say that you can walk around the campus (you can’t go into any buildings though). I was wondering if it would be worth it to go just to see the town/campus (especially now when the weather is probably at its worst). My daughter applied RD and if she gets in, it would be between Cornell and 2 other schools where she is already admitted. Being from Texas, I kind of just want her to see what it’s like in the middle of winter because I’m not sure anyone who has never lived in a cold climate can really imagine what it is like. On the off chance she gets in, I’d rather not have her make that decision without, at least, stepping foot on campus. If anyone has done this, any information or tips would be appreciated. I am also aware of the NY state travel restrictions, though I’m not sure if they would have any affect on our plans. I know we would have to have a negative covid test 3 days before travel and then could be retested in NY after 3 days. However, I assume that even while quarantining for 3 days, we would be free to walk around outside (ie. exploring the campus by walking around outside while wearing masks and keeping socially distanced), but I’m not completely sure if that’s true. TIA

If you travel to NY you also have to quarantine for 3 days upon arrival in NY then test negative before you can go anywhere. That said, I have a student at Cornell and I would strongly advise against visiting. They do not even want parents to visit and students are not supposed to be leaving the Ithaca area at all. They have had a big outbreak of cases (relative to last semester) and trying to clamp down on them. Unlike first semester, the school Covid hotel has used up all their space so they have had to put students at more than one other hotel in town. You can’t go into the bookstore, on campus buildings, etc. Snow and cold are the same everywhere, just that, snow and cold. There is a live cam that you can see the campus if your daughter is interested in seeing what it looks like, and I am sure they will try for some sort of virtual admitted student days this year, but I would not visit. And no, you cannot just walk around outside during quarantine on campus - that defeats the purpose of quarantine. The only place you are allowed out during quarantine is for testing. They are very strict there. You need to remember that many students work in these facilities and students are being tested between 2 and 3x/week so guests just passing through to “visit” is really not something they want to have. I would love to go visit my daughter, but I can’t. They’ve eliminated Spring Break, and only given them some random day offs here and there for mental health breaks. She left at the end of January and I won’t get to see her until May. If your daughter gets in, please wait until summer to visit when no one is around.

We went in September. Parked somewhere (don’t remember where) and walked around and drove around. We got a feel for the campus but so hard without seeing the walls you would be staring at! but for climate, can definitely go and see if she likes the town. I would recommend trying out some winter sports. That usually does it for some kids! The campus was beautiful in September even before all the leaves had turned colors. And the town is very nice smaller college town. A lot of character that you don’t feel looking at a 3D tour! We missed out seeing the botanical garden so if you like that, take a look for it!

Noted. However, she would have to make her decision before the summer, and I can’t imagine making that decision without even putting eyes on the school. I know there are virtual tours and we have done them, but that’s not the same as seeing with your own eyes.

So, when you quarantine for 3 days upon arrival, you are not allowed to leave your hotel room even to go outside or drive around, even if you remain outside, wear a mask and do not get near anyone else? I have some friends who have been to NYC recently and they were able to walk around the city/parks, pick up food, etc. during their quarantining period. Perhaps they were not adhering to the rules strictly, but they are rule-follower types (as am I), so that would surprise me if that was the case. If that’s the case, then we would follow those rules. We are not trying to put anyone else at risk or be exposed ourselves (I have already been vaccinated and my daughter had Covid in October, but we still wear masks and socially distance around everyone who is not in our household). I am talking about going on our own, exploring on our own, wearing a mask everywhere, including outside, and not going near anyone, but I understand your concerns.

If indeed you can’t even leave your hotel to go outside for 3 days after arrival, then we would probably just wait to see if she actually gets accepted before we book a trip to campus, but I definitely want her to see the town/campus before she makes a decision.