Cornell RD Class of 2025


Clearly not

There are always rule breakers, as there are technically no covid police, but when we quarantined for 2 weeks with my daughter in the fall, they did contact her and check whereabouts, etc. and there are rules, etc. People push the limits all the time and they really do not want any visitors. You have a kid at UM as I recall so as far as climate it is the same. It’s a little hillier thought and freshman live on North Campus. My daughter is in CS so if this is your CS daughter, I’m sure she’d be happy to talk to her as well. Feel free to send me a message. Let me go through my recent emails from them and see what they’ve been saying as late, but school just began this week and there are some issues that they are trying to clamp down on because of so many cases. With snow, there’s not much walking you’re going to want to do since you can’t really walk around and the buses aren’t free.

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and have a backup plan if one of you tests positive, then you are quarantine in place for 10 days I think. Check the latest on NY health dept travel website as it’s fluid and could change. We were supposed to take our upstate NY tours last February last weekend and covid had already hit. We opted not to and have regretted since although seeing it in September was also nice but not frigid cold! Now I can’t get two clear days in a row without snow to drive back!

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@TexasEx1998 One part of the lengthy email sent to parents and students today emphasizes the following:

" Visitors are prohibited in campus buildings

No individuals (friends, family members or other outside visitors) may enter Cornell campus facilities, including residence halls, unless they are a current student, staff or faculty member who is approved to be on campus in the Daily Check. Visitors are only permitted to access outdoor public spaces at this time."

So if you come to Ithaca, once out of quarantine, this is what you’re limited to on Cornell. A lot of people do go hiking and to check out the gorges which are beautiful but in the winter, not sure how much. Also, flying to the area in the winter is not something I would ever want to do, especially with the weather these days and numerous storms. Lots of flight delays.

I went to Cornell and we took my son in the summer to my 20th reunion pre Covid. It’s is nice in September and April/May - it is COLD October through March and very humid in the summer months. I grew up in PA and didn’t mind it, but it is like Canada cold and your daughter should be prepared to be walking to classes and activities in snow storms wearing boots and a parka. They only cancelled school once in my memory because the state forced them to shut down.

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We live in Chicago and it’s literally been snowing just about everyday. It’s unbelievable. My kid at UT-Austin is complaining about the cold there, and we’re all like who cares? It’s nothing compared to here. We don’t have much sympathy for her when in a week or so it’ll be back in the 70s and we’ll still be freezing our a$$es off.


found the link. Test within 3 days of arrival. Quarantine for 3 days. another test on Day 4, then results from that.

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Thank you all! Yes, we are not interested in causing any problems or stress. I just want my daughter to have all the information to make the best decision. It’s hard to imagine her picking a school that she has never seen or set foot on, but we will do the best we can. If she gets in, and that’s a BIG IF, I know, we will plan something at that time and adhere to all the rules. I know we will not be allowed in any school facilities, but we will walk safely outside or drive around or whatever we can safely do to give her some frame of reference, however incomplete. It could be just getting to Ithaca will be eye opening and help her make a decision. It doesn’t look like there is a super easy way to even get there from our home, and, even that experience might bear some weight in her decision on where to go. Thank you for the offer to put her in touch with your daughter @srparent15. Again, it is probably putting the cart before the horse, because getting in is a long shot anyway. Yes, I have a son at UMich and my daughters have been accepted to UMich and UT for next year. They have been visiting those campuses their whole lives because I went to UT and my husband went to UMich. Although, my daughter who is interested in Cornell has not been to UMich during the middle of winter either. I have Ann Arbor on my weather app and I can barley believe my son is surviving, but he’s a lot hardier than my daughters! Both of my twins applied to Cornell, but only one is really interested because Cornell has a unique program not offered by many universities. My other twin is in for CBHP at UT, so that’s probably done and dusted. It’s very cold in Texas this week, but will be 70 in a few days, so our cold never lasts too long.

Cornell is beautiful but not very driveable It’s definitely a walking campus.

I agree that it’s not easy to get to if you have to fly.

I just double checked with my friend. She was there last month and she sent me a screenshot of what she got when she arrived in NYC from the NYS Travel Advisory. It has Traveler Name: HER NAME with a giant green checkmark underneath it and then a message that says, “Based on your responses, you are not currently subject to quarantine related to the NYS Travel Advisory.” So, I was mistaken, she was not subject to quarantine, and she 100% followed the rules. Apparently the rules have changed since her trip, which is why I was confused because they were there fairly recently (btw, her trip was to find her daughters’-who are students in a NYC college and who have been remote all year-an apartment).

That could be based on how long she was there and how she answered the questions. But if you look up the Ny travel advisory you’ll see that it does indeed say test to come in, the quarantine and then another negative test. If NY is your residence, you live in a contiguous state or you’re in and out in less than 24 hours then you don’t need to quarantine. Check out the page for more info.

Also, there are a lot of Texans at Cornell. They must really like them, so it may not be such a long shot for your daughter in Engineering. Dyson ok the other hand probably is as they mainly take New Yorkers and it’s a tiny program but BHP is where she wants to be anyway, tiny classes, personal attention, so much more. Having knowledge and experience with both i would pick that any day. Message me with any questions and the ins and outs. If you recall I have a twin at each.

Last year they cancelled twice if you can believe it!!! It was a HUGE deal for the exact reason you said because apparently they had only cancelled 4x ever before!

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@srparent15 Can you post the link to the live cam?

Thank you! They have less snow than we do in NJ.

The lake effect is what most people are unprepared for!

Hah thanks. I never look at it and only recently someone mentioned they found a second one!

When you live in Chicago you have plenty of lake effect. Seems we’re getting snow daily and way worse than there. The only difference for my daughter was we bought her a heavier coat because North Face in any winter isn’t warm enough, bought some frackets for parties, etc. so a good coat doesn’t get stolen (which has happened to her friends) and because here she only had Uggs so we bought her waterproof boots. A waterproof backpack is also a must.

Freshmen get free bus so most of them take it although last year the second time they cancelled classes they did it late and when the bus was cancelled mine walked to a class on the other side of campus took her like 40 mins. She gets there, sits down, and then they cancelled! She was soooo mad. The only good thing was the professor showed too so he taught it and for everyone that didn’t show (most of class) they were responsible for watching it on video. She then had to walk all the way up hill back to the freshman dorms. I personally would have loved to see that!

This year she’s gone sledding down the slope and skiing about half hour away. And now any snow day can easily be taught remotely unfortunately thanks to covid.

Sorry wrong post

Trying to follow at the posts. If my son is accepted we were hoping to do a quick trip up as he’s never seen the campus. We are in Florida. Is the quarantine a Cornell thing or New York thing?