Cornell RD Class of 2025

or do u mean additional essays outside the application?

I think maybe they meant additional info, as opposed to essays. Each College on their admissions page has some information pertaining to that, but also on the applicant page it also has the upload for supplemental info for anything that an applicant wants to provide if they so choose.

@tnspls21 and @gumball0901 Assuming that’s what you’re referring to. So if you have something new that has happened since you first applied or a substantial honor or something and you think it might help you can provide that information.

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ohh okay thank u so much

did any non-URM (or ORM) get a likely?

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yes i mean this optional upload section. Do people use this space to send them something substantial or can it be used to send a letter of further interest

Cornell from what I’ve heard is very specific about what they do or don’t want with regards to LOCI. That’s why you should see what your specific college admission page states. You may even want to see what they say about postponed applicants and also discuss with your college counselor.

My son just won a national award and we asked the college counselor if he should update all his college applications with the info. She said it may be too late at that time for some, but if we do make sure we check each school’s rules regarding sending additional info and if they accept or not.

At this point, most decisions are probably already made. I would not irritate the AO’s by sending them a letter. The deadline for supplemental materials was February 15th if you look at your application so unless you have a world-class update I would say don’t risk it.

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I uploaded it to my portal

Not from what I have seen. I’ve been scanning a few prominent websites. Also, of all of my son’s friends who applied to Cornell, some with mind-blowing stats and ECs, the only one to get a likely from Cornell was URM FGLI.

Yeah, the email came from diversity@cornell email

I don’t know you but as a parent, I am super proud of you. You do have to self advocate and never give up hope. I know your parents must be so happy too!


Hi all! I set up a poll about likely letters. If you got one, congratulations!

Thank you. :blush:

Regarding letters and updates to applications:

I sent several updates to the admissions office throughout the course of the cycle. My first update, which was a minor update regarding midyear grades, was sent via email to the admissions office. In their response, they told me to send all future updates through the “updates” section of the portal; that is exactly what I did for my two further updates. The first was essentially a letter to the admissions committee expressing my interest in Cornell and how I will definitely attend if admitted. I did not apply to Cornell ED but I still wanted the admissions office to be aware of my continued and deep interest in Cornell. The final update I provided was about a new club I started at school and another award I won in MUN.

I’m not sure whether these updates are appreciated or beneficial. Each of mine was between 150 and 400 words so as to not overwhelm admissions. I applied to SHA and was accepted via email on March 1. My advice is not to send any updates to admissions if you haven’t already unless it’s a very substantial and meaningful achievement. In the future, I think it is beneficial to send the admissions office notifications of various awards and achievements you earn during the application cycle. Don’t bombard them with info, but help your own chances by essentially adding bullet points to your application.

Again, this all depends on the school to which you apply. I applied to SHA, which was test-blind, so every achievement counts a bit more. Also, SHA is looking for applicants to have hospitality experience, so updates including that were beneficial to me. Other schools have their own admissions teams with different requirements, so make sure you familiarize yourself with your own school’s admissions procedures before sending an update.

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THIS^^ is exactly what I did

so would you not recommend sending a letter of continued interest right now because April 6th is right around the corner? Also I applied rd for dyson and congrats!!

yeah same…

If you applied ED and were deferred, you probably should have already sent a LOCI to Cornell basically writing a love letter to the school (not emotional, just why you want to go there). Make them think that it’s still your clear-cut first choice. If you did apply ED and did not send a LOCI, you can still probably do it if you want but it’s a bit late now. If it were me, I’d go ahead and send the letter because it really can’t hurt.

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ok thank you :slight_smile:

woop woop got in to Cornell on March 15th (likely letter in my email inbox). I’m so excited!!! Congrats to everyone else who got in and best of luck to those still waiting. :smiley: