Cornell RD Class of 2025

So out of all international Cornell applicants who are on reddit, just one was lucky enough to get a likely letter? And the person didn’t state this fact themself? Something is fishy here.

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Lets say 5k internationals apply to Cornell… How many of them would be on reddit? How many would Cornell accept, and how many would receive a prior communication - likely? (Cornell enrolled 305 internationals last year… lets say they admitted double that amount → 600 students.)

Considering Cornell has 60k+ applications from within the US, and less than 100 from reddit got a likely, it is quite obvious that statistically, we would not find a ton of people that were “lucky enough”

I highly doubt your “statistics”. Because I have been following that Cornell subreddit for quite a while. There is no other indication that an international student received a likely letter from Cornell apart from the comment that you’ve shared. I think Cornell didn’t send likely letters/early writes to international applicants. And besides, it’s not a big deal…not receiving a likely letter is not a direct message that someone is already rejected.

I never said it meant we are rejected. You asked if someone received a likely and I answered… Sadly it is the only source of information we have

edited to sound less abrupt

I just added a point. I’m not disproving anyone.

Yeah, I also doubt that coz, maybe it can be the SHA but the amount of domestic likely we have seen at least a bunch of into should have gotten the likely

Hi, anyone else’s financial aid status say “Initiated” on their to do list? Does that mean I don’t have to do anything else as it’s under my to do list? It’s for my CSS profile. I’m a deferred international student btw.

yeah same, I was thinking about emailing the admissions committee to see what’s it about

Yeah, because the way it’s worded in the status as “initiated” made me worry as I thought it meant I’ve started it but haven’t finished even tho I sent my CSS profile off in November for the ED round. Idk hahah it’s probs just me overthinking it.

you just spoke my mind

“Students should review the To Do List throughout the academic year to make sure there are no outstanding obligations. A status of “Initiated” or “Ordered” means that the item is currently incomplete. If you have recently submitted materials, it may take a few business days for the item status to change. When an item has been completed, it will drop off the To Do List.”

^^ that’s what it says when I looked it up

This is on my son’s to do list, as well. He emailed financial aid and it took a week to respond. They didn’t answer his question clearly, so I followed up with an email as well and haven’t heard back. It does indicate that something is missing or incomplete, so I would definitely follow up. But I wouldn’t expect an immediate reply.

They just emailed me back there now and said that I may be missing signature or verification document. Idk what that means tho as I thought international students just had to send off the CSS profile.

The best thing to do is to just call them and resolve it. I did it recently.

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what did they advise on how to resolve it??

Would you recommend an international student to call too? As I dont know if i will be able to call.

What number do I call? The bursar??

actually both Dyson and Hotel have a total of 37 first year international students, which means they admit maybe 50-60 internationals… the potential of seeing an international likely from those schools is absolutely minimal considering not all applicants are on reddit or cc

They wanted a document. So I uploaded it on IDOC. Then called them and told them so and FA person immediately took off the message.