Cornell RD Class of 2025

they tend to wear the Bear Costumes … and exude privilege


Mainly I just mean that through interaction with current Cornell students, former Cornell students I’ve met over the years when they were at Cornell, and other kids getting accepted this year, there seem to be a lot of legacies. There’s really no way to know who’s a legacy other than by having conversations. I am a legacy myself, so I have been around Cornell my entire life (I live <1 hour away).

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Wonder how much legacy status matters if parents never donate to the school…

We are from San Diego, and our son is aiming for CS. I know that Cornell’s CS is strong, but I never knew where students intern around the school. Also curious if CS graduates usually find the jobs in the East Coast, or move to the West Coast where more high tech companies are concentrated. But those companies don’t have any connections with kids from Cornell. Would that be a disadvantage?

I don’t think they care at all about how much parents have donated in the past - legacy is legacy. However, continuous engagement by the legacy parent(s) can always help. My father went to Cornell undergrad and has been engaged with the university ever since, and that was certainly of benefit to me due mainly to his connections at Cornell and knowledge of the university. I think all legacy is weighted the same for admissions though, regardless of how much the parents have donated.

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Did everyone get an e-mail today about “intercultural life” at Cornell?

No, we did not

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I got a likely letter from Cornell on the 15th and was wondering if anyone had received any follow up emails.

Did you receive a likely letter?

no, sorry. Was the question only for people who received likely letters?

I wasn’t really sure, that’s why I asked. And no need to apologize!

I got a letter and the only thing that I have gotten so far is a an email about missing financial aid stuff. That’s it though.

Did you also receive a likely letter?

Thanks for responding and congratulations on the letter!!!

thank you! Good luck!

no i didn’t

waitlisted from Johns Hopkins and Colgate, there’s no way I get into Cornell ://

Being waitlisted at those schools is still an accomplishment. Stay encouraged. :heart:


Never say never - this year is especially erratic


I was waitlisted and got into Brown…it can happen!


what was the email about?