<p>It seems quite likely to me that applications were negatively impacted by adverse publicity surrounding the tragic suicide cluster. Even on CC, and on this very subforum, there was much discussion and concern expressed at that time. </p>
<p>Moreover, from 2001-2 to 2009-10 applications to Cornell increased by over 108%; the next greatest increase in the Ivy League was Yale at 77%.</p>
<p>During the prior admissions cycle, Yale applications declined. This followed great publicity about a murder that took place there. These two situations shared: greatest two applications increases previously, and substantial negative publicity regarding tragic events.</p>
<p>The cycle prior to that one, Applications to Penn declined.</p>
<p>Cornell is already getting over 36,000 applicants, and the national pool is no longer growing, so at some point the numbers will be hard to increase. Maybe that time has, or will, come earlier to Cornell than for some other schools, due to its greater increase in applicants during the prior period. Also, when you have more applicants in the first place it gets harder to increase the %.</p>
<p>As for selectivity of Penn CAS vs. Cornell CAS, who can really say for sure since Penn does not release stats by college any more. While data is readily available to show that Cornell CAS is consistently more selective than the overall university taken as an aggregate, the situation at Penn is disguised. It is evident that Wharton has a material effect on their aggregate, but one can only speculate on what their CAS looks like alone. A few years ago I did a back of the envelope and concluded that selectivity at the two CAS’s were probably close to the same. This year, and some other years I looked at, probably Penn CAS is a little more selective.</p>
<p>But “a little” is the operative term here. if one CAS is accepting 14% of applicants, and another CAS is accepting 16% of applicants, it does not necessarily follow that if you get in to one you will necessarily get into the other. There is a decent chunk of subjectivity exercised in admissions when one get to these levels, and every committee will not necessarily make the same choices.</p>
<p>Finally while it is evident that lazykid does not like Ithaca, Ithaca has not moved, or changed much, from where it was during the period 2001 to 2010 when applications to Cornell increased 108%. I loved Ithaca, and D2 is enjoying it there now. Those who think they won’t, will tend to go elsewhere, and that will have been proportionally reflected in the admissions numbers all along, not just this past year. So it has zero applicability to recent events. Ditto for those who don’t prefer to be in South Philly.</p>
<p>Beyond locations, we picked up different vibes at the two campuses when we visited. D1 left Penn quickly after the information session, it did not appeal. Other may have the opposite reaction, to either school.
To each their own.</p>