Cornell selectivity relative to UPenn.

<p>It’s reasonable to inquire. But once something has already been asked and answered, if one then repeatedly asks the same, already-addressed point again, and again, it gives the appearance that they are no longer, and maybe never were, simply looking into insight into why it occurred, since that was already addressed and they are nevertheless continuing to raise it, but rather elevating the issue here to draw additional attention to it here, for other motives.</p>

<p>I sometimes think england is talking to himself
to sum it up
England: Why didn’t cornell get a huge boost in apps this year
us: location didn’t change, us ranking dropped this year from 12 - 15 (which a lot of ppl only look at to decide, poor marketing, publicity for suicides, etc.
England: You are making too much about rankings and selectivity. But is there something about cornell that is seriously evil that we don’t know about
Us: no. location didn’t change, us ranking dropped this year from 12 - 15 (which a lot of ppl only look at to decide, poor marketing, publicity for suicides, etc.
England: students should care more about fit more than selectivity. Don’t raise hysteria, be bitter, or sarcastic or anything. But seriously, ____, why did you think cornell did not have such a huge boost this year?
Us: … !!!</p>

<p>Several posts later same things happen</p>



<p>Obviously, in measuring a school’s selectivity, the quality of the applicant pool, along with the accepted students’ statistics, should also be considered in addition to admit rates. I haven’t even heard of these third tier schools that you list above; of course, those schools aren’t anything prestigious. Except Cooper Union - within some circles, it is indeed extremely desirable because of its location, top notch engineering program, and its cost of attendance is zero if you get in. That is why it gets many apps and is very selective.</p>

<p>No you still have to pay for room and board and that stuff add to about 20k/year
but yes, “tuition” is all covered</p>

<p>^ My bad. Room and board is largely dependent on an individual’s spending choices. It could be well below 20k a year, if the individual in question lives in a 3-bedroom apartment with roommates, lives frugally, etc. The cost of tuition is like 40k, and if all of that is covered, that is a huge deal for many, IMO.</p>

<p>[FAQs</a> The Cooper Union](<a href=“]FAQs”>
20k’s the average (total) misc. expenses
they boost up boarding costs
getting off topic here</p>



<p>Which is precisely the point I was making - many factors go into that acceptance % that cannot be quantified by a simple list (like the one you keep posting). To try and compare a rather small, liberal arts style school like Dartmouth, for example, to a broad, diverse research university like Cornell is about as logical as comparing Liberty to Michigan simply because it accepts fewer applicants.</p>



<p>No. Dartmouth is more selective than Cornell, period. You were comparing third tier no name schools which happen to have low admit rates. I am sure any kid with decent stats would get into those schools, maybe get full rides from them. Within ‘most selective’ schools - admit rates speak a lot about selectivity.</p>

<p>In my opinion cornell is actually more selective than it seems because of urms, recruits, legacies, and land grant schools, but yeah i do agree that it’s still not as selective as dartmouth. In the end, you should choose a school based on the quality of the education and the opportunities that it gives you.</p>

<p>In my opinion, Dartmouth should not be compared to all of Cornell University in terms of selectivity. It should be compared to only Cornell Arts and Sciences (which is very similar in size to Dartmouth). Arts and sciences had a 15% admit rate last year, while Dartmouth had a 12% admit rate – making Dartmouth slightly more selective. But really, there is a very small difference in academic quality of the Arts and Sciences kids compared to the Dartmouth kids (if any at all); at that point, no one should care – the question of whether one went to Dartmouth or Cornell Arts and Sciences should be answered based on fit.</p>

<p>This thread really took on a life of it’s own. I didn’t not expect so much traction when I started it. Anyways, I want to thank everyone who helped me here (and, the tangents have been interesting, although sometimes repetitive).</p>

<p>Also, anyone know if Cornell has sent out it’s likely letter yet? Will they anytime soon? (I would be extremely lucky to get two, it would save so much time on picking a school) Gosh, I thought I was going to dread the college decision season but now excitement is building.</p>


<p>You will probably get in, no worries needed. You are a URM with strong enough of stats to warrant likely letter from Penn. </p>



<p>Since a significant chunk of the student body at Cornell is non-Arts and Sciences, discussing Cornell’s overall selectivity with the specific focus on Arts and Sciences doesn’t make sense. Dartmouth and Brown’s selectivity are on par with Stanford (close to Princeton), Cornell’s selectivity is more close to Northwestern or Duke.</p>

<p>^How does it not make sense… In my post I was specifically NOT comparing Cornell’s overall selectivity to Dartmouth’s selectivity. </p>

<p>Cornell Arts and Sciences is more selective than Duke Arts and Sciences and Northwestern Arts and Sciences… It is very close to Dartmouth (which is almost entirely Arts and Sciences) in selectivity.</p>

<p>By the way, no one “probably” gets into Cornell… valedictorians with perfect SATs can very possibly be rejected/wl’ed.</p>



<p>I mean this in the most constructive way possible, and not at all in the douchy way it’s going to sound, but you should really learn basic grammatical contractions before arriving on campus. It will help you immensely - most notably its and it’s. </p>

<p>See? Douchy but helpful!</p>



<p>A URM with top scores has a very high chance of being admitted. A white/Asian guy may well get rejected despite perfect scores. OP, as mentioned earlier, is a Hispanic applicant who got a likely letter from Penn.</p>



<p>I believe only ~40% of Cornell’s student body is affiliated with Arts and Sciences. As a result, Cornell’s majority of admits, and applicants, are not Arts and Sciences - affiliated. Ignoring this substantial amount of sample in accounting for the school’s selectivity is misleading. Truth be told, it is misleading to consider only a subset of the university’s unit as a point of comparison with another school.</p>

<p>I was more referring to a situation in which the average CAS student was compared to the average Dartmouth student… like I said before, the difficulty of admission to Cornell Arts and Sciences and Dartmouth College would be very similar.</p>

<p>@ applejacks, I don’t take offense to that because I proofread my essays for those mistakes but not my forum posts. I know the difference (possessive non-gender-specific pronoun and the contraction of “it is”) and the various other nuances of English grammar, I just usually have to look carefully for those. BTW, for me, this is not a grammar faux pas so much so as a typo. Anyway, thanks for that input.</p>

<p>“I believe only ~40% of Cornell’s student body is affiliated with Arts and Sciences.”</p>

<p>Actually it’s 30%. Versus Ag 25%, engineering 20%, Hum Ec 9%, ILR 7%, Hotel 6%, AARP 3%.</p>

<p>“As a result, Cornell’s majority of admits, and applicants, are not Arts and Sciences - affiliated.”</p>

<p>Admission at Cornell is to a particular one of its colleges, not to some aggregate. The colleges have distinct applicant pools, distinct admissions criteria and distinct students. There are some things that overlap, and some things that don’t. 100% of CAS admits are arts & Sciences affiliated, and Dartmouth has programs only in Arts & sciences and engineering. There are no “Cornell” admits, since at the university level no admits are made, admission is only to a particular college there.</p>

<p>"Truth be told, it is misleading to consider only a subset of the university’s unit as a point of comparison with another school. "</p>

<p>I find just the contrary to be more the case, for most purposes of most applicants. Truth be told, it is misleading to compare schools with vastly different programs and separate admissions, without adjusting for same, when you are applying to but a single college at Cornell, not some aggregate, and will be selected from just that college’s pool of applicants, not some aggregate pool.</p>

<p>Do you really think someone trying to decide if he’ll get into, and then choose, Cornell’s engineering college, vs. CMUs, really wants to assess his chances using data with the ILR college, or CMUs theater program, mixed in ? When those are not the units he/she is applying to, and each unit has separate admissions? Will there be a large proportion of ILR students in his Fluid Mechanics class???
Do you think engineering employers afterwards are concerned with the characteristics of a university-wide pool that includes Cornell’s Hotel students? I think they are concerned with the characteristics of the engineers, as a primary matter.</p>

<p>There are secondary purposes for which the aggregate may be interesting, eg to assess the population mostly in intro survey courses, and the social situation in the dorms. However IMO the cohort one should be most concerned with as a primary matter is the one at the particular college you are applying to, will be admitted to, will usually form the majority in the bulk of your major and upper level courses, and will graduate from. Of course there are some exceptions, eg biology.</p>



<p>Schools like Dartmouth and Brown are clearly more selective than Cornell. Anyone who disputes otherwise should assess the statistics. That doesn’t mean that these schools are better for everyone, yet, that does mean that their students are slightly stronger than Cornell’s overall. Although Cornell’s Hotel school is a niche school, other schools - Human Ecology, Ag, or ILR - these schools get apps from kids who apply to arts and sciences at other colleges. These schools aren’t that ‘specialized’ or niche of schools. Ag - for instance, offers science majors that many arts and science schools elsewhere would offer.</p>