Cornell Supplement

<p><em>I know I should post this under the Cornell forum.</em></p>

<p>So on the supplement it asks if you want to make use of the primary/alternate admission option. Under this, you can apply to a primary choice college of the 7 offered and a secondary choice.</p>

<p>If I do choose this option, will it say "I'm not sure what I want. I'll go anywhere I get in because I don’t really have a passion for any one college" ???</p>

<p>i can’t tell you if it’s recommended or not. i remember reading stuff back when i was applying to cornell on how it might not be for the best, but idk</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>If you want to be biology major, you could do it in both A&S and CAL, same with CS (both engineering & A&S offer that major). When you choose primary and alternate, just make sure they are some how related. Don’t choose Hotel and Engineering.</p>

<p>I choose A&S and IRL because my major is biopsychology and I plan on going to law school afterwards.
I don’t what other college I can pick other than IRL that fits (atleast, the law school part)</p>