Cornell vs Caltech for Bio/Premed

Hello! This is not regarding your question, but I just wanted to say how inspirational you are for many of us! It is currently summer program season, and when looking up any program, your college confidential threads always show up from last year. Many of us had seen it and were scared since you are an incredibly good student but program acceptances had not treated you well. :frowning:

However, despite that, you still managed to fight through and get into 2 astounding, incredible schools!!! Your story has helped many students, that are currently extremely stressed from program apps, to calm down and understand that summer programs are not everything! That you can still prosper and do well in life without them!

So once again, thank you so much for showing how true perseverance can push past any barriers that come our way. I hope you do well in all your future endeavors!


the answer is always … Cornell

Hey, Cornell isn’t chop-liver…

you just don’t know how to cook it

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