Corps of Cadets Closing Dorms?

<p>My son just got back from his first A&M semester yesterday. He heard that the Corps will be closing its existing dorms next year and relocating to one or more of the Commons dorms. Has anyone else heard this?</p>

<p>Yes I’ve heard that too. That will make on-campus housing a premium while they are closed for renovation. At least they should have the White Creek apartments open by then. They are on west campus so they benefit the business and ag students but definitely not the engineering students.</p>

<p>My son is a fish in the Corps of Cadets and, yes, we have been told that all of the Corps will be moving into the Commons for the 2015-16 academic year (with the exception of a few Corps outfits already in renovated halls). The original plan was to renovate a few of the Corps residence halls each year, but General Ramirez was successful in getting A&M to front all of the money needed to completely renovate all Corps housing at once and to build one or two more Corps learning centers (I think Buzbee is the only one at this time). There was a rumor the Corps would be moving into the Commons as of spring 2015, but it proved false and was quickly shot down.</p>