Can someone describe to me how’s the cost living in Penn State Uni Park
Can you be more specific? Do you mean the cost of things like meals and fun activities? Or the total cost of attending school – room and board, tuition, etc.?
Are you instate or OOS
Where are you coming from? That may help us to give you a comparison. Compared to some places, State College has a significantly lower cost of living. For general cost of living comparisons, you can go to and put in two cities and they will show you the difference. For school costs, that can be found on the school website. Off campus housing varies greatly depending on area. We have a rental home in State College within walking distance to the campus and the renters each pay $550 a month in that area.
i am an international student, from Malaysia
cost living can be anything, either house rent, the meals and etc
Room and board is rather expensive for the first year, but once you start renting, especially if you pick a place on a bus route rather than within walking distance, cost of living is relatively low compared to many metropolitan areas