
<p>So this is probably posted somewhere else but I didn't see it. Wash U is now no longer among the top in expensive schools according to College:</a> 25 Most Expensive Colleges For 2008-2009 :</p>

<p>Here are the 25 most expensive colleges for 2008-2009, based on total cost (tuition + room and board). Whooie, this is some pricey book-learnin'.</p>

<p>Highest Total Cost 2008-2009</p>

<p>College | Total Cost
1. Sarah Lawrence College | $53,166
2. George Washington University | $50,312
3. New York University | $50,182
4. Georgetown University | $49,689
5. Connecticut College | $49,385
6. Bates College | $49,350
7. Johns Hopkins University | $49,278
8. Skidmore College | $49,266
9. Scripps College | $49,236
10. Middlebury College | $49,210
11. Carnegie Mellon University | $49,200
12. Boston College | $49,020
13. Wesleyan University | $49,000
14. Colgate University | $48,900
15. Claremont McKenna College | $48,755
16. Vassar College | $48,675
17. Haverford College | $48,625
18. University of Chicago | $48,588
19. Union College (NY) | $48,552
20. Colby College | $48,520
21. Mount Holyoke College | $48,500
22. Tufts University | $48,470
23. Bard College at Simon's Rock | $48,460
24. Franklin & Marshall College | $48,450
25. Bard College | $48,438</p>


<p>good to know that it could have been worse ;)</p>

<p>WUSTL didn’t release the new costs yet, already the real amount of tuition-room-meals is higher than those on that list.</p>

<p>newhere - never miss a chance do you? Notice the list above is for 2008-2009, which is this academic year. Just go to the WashU website for 2008-2009 costs.</p>

<p>Shouldn’t WUSTL be in that list? Tuition 37,248
Newer single housing 9,246
Meal plan (minimum for freshmen 4,048</p>

<p>I’m glad I joined the prepay plan! Unfortunately, AA doesn’t have prepays air fares… five round trips by two…ouch!</p>