Could I double major in nursing and international relations?

My dream career path is to do humanitarian work abroad and recently I’ve been considering nursing as well (such as working with médecins sans frontières/doctors without borders). I am currently a junior in high school with AP exams that can be used for credit and a schedule that can accommodate taking online college courses during the summer. With all that in mind, do you think it is possible that I could double major in nursing and international relations? I hope that my already existing college credits can help me get out of some Gen Ed classes and keep a manageable schedule. I know it would be a lot of work but hopefully it will pay off when I can find a career that utilizes both majors.

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The big challenge problem is that typically nursing and IR are in separate schools within a university, and it is often difficult to major across two schools.

You may want to do some more investigation as to what an IR degree involves- I know a surprising number of students who signed up for IR without really understanding what is in the degree. You might find that a degree such as this:

*BSc International Disaster Management & Humanitarian Response (2023 entry) | The University of Manchester

is more useful than an IR degree. Getting the nursing degree will qualify you to work with MSF & similar organizations. IMO an IR degree would be less useful than (say) a community health science degree, or even social work degree with carefully chosen coursework.

*3 year degree in the UK


More likely would be IR and public health.