<p>First of all, I'm a junior in HS, and I'm in good academic standing. As a side note, my cousin, brother, half-brother and uncle went to the local university,(SUNY Buffalo) and have made out extremely well. My cousin has a Ph.D from there, and makes a great living.</p>
4.0 GPA for every marking period of HS</p>
<p>No APs yet, simply because they don't have the money to offer them.
Calculus teacher is allowing me to skip Math 12 and take Calculus my senior year.</p>
<p>I'd say my class rank is between 4-8/300, and I think it's 15-20/1300 in my entire school about now
Not that that rank is bad, but it's actually getting better</p>
<p>I got 91st percentile on the PSAT with no studying
SAT practice seems pretty easy -- I have no problem with English. It comes naturally. The math part is fairly straightforward.</p>
<p>I was skipped ahead a grade, so I will graduate a year early :D</p>
<p>Chess Club founder </p>
<p>Website Club member</p>
<p>Attending a local private college over the summer for honors English (Canisius)</p>
<p>I take computer science, and I really kill all the programs and assignments my teacher gives me. I made a program that validates credit card numbers in under 15 minutes(not even assigned). I have a knack for computers.</p>
I'm very sociable and I can get a reccomendation from anyone. The professor from Canisius College said he can write me a reccomendation when I need them.</p>
<p>Overall, I have always had an interest in computers, computer security, and the creation of programs. I love creating, and I love seeing my creations flourish as a separate entity.</p>
<p>To me, there's nothing like the feeling of creating something incredibly complicated, and then using that thing without even having to think the slightest bit about how it's working. (Algebra programs, Root finders)</p>
<p>I'm good with language, and even though I love math, I am naturally good at everything linguistic. I scored a 98 on the NYS Regents Spanish 3 without even studying at all. </p>
<p>People see me as very wise, and I guess I can't blame them. I can counsel people and help them with personal problems and the like. </p>
Despite what my grades or extracurriculars might say about me, I'm totally confident that I can succeed in any environment. I've never tasted failure, because I refuse to. If God granted me the ability to succeed, I'll take every single measure availiable to use that ability. Although you may see that as too forward, I've never had to work even to half my full potential. My school doesn't challenge me and I frequently spend whole periods waiting for the bell.</p>
<p>After all this, I'm just looking for a simple reccomendation. I know that a lot of you are quite familiar with different universities and those who would do well in them. Could you possibly give me some sort of guidance?</p>
<p>P.S. My family is pretty much poor, and we cannot afford anything. I think I'd get a ton of free money from whatever college I applied to.</p>