Countdown to Early Decision

<p>16 hours 39 minutes 42 seconds and counting till judgeement time where everything we have done in the past four years determines what will happen.</p>



<p>When you phrase it like that… :confused: ah</p>

<p>Fortunately I am, right now, free from nerves, but I assure you at 3:00 tomorrow when I am typing my password into the Portal, I will not be as lucky.</p>

<p>I’ve had a stomach ache for the past 3 days. Holy crap I can’t believe its tomorrow.</p>

<p>I also found out I’m not going home early so I’ll still be in 7th period at 3:00. Now I’m just deciding if I want to check during physics and risk bawling in front of everyone or wait an extra hour to go home and check. That hour is such a huge difference for some reason.</p>

<p>i need sleep…</p>

<p>I guarantee u check in physics. I think it’s physically impossible not to.</p>

<p>Bump 10 char.</p>

<p>Um, eight hours.</p>

<p>I feel physically sick to my stomach.</p>

<p>i need more sleep…</p>


<p>As soon as they defer(or reject) someone from M&T or Huntsman, they move to considering you for your single-choice backup option(whether applying to that RD or ED.)</p>

<p>To everyone who applied ED and is now experiencing the same unexplainable mix of excitement/dread/etc that I experienced a year ago, I wish you good luck when you open the decision page today at 3. </p>

<p>Take a deep breath and realize that no matter what happens it is not the end. This goes for those accepted too (you still have four years at Penn now to work through). </p>

<p>But saying this, I know how stressful it is. I remember that on the day of decision, I could not pay attention at school at all. Ironically, once school let out (at about 2:20), instead of heading home and waiting on the computer constantly refreshing the decisions page, I took some of my friends to the mall to hang out. It was fun but when 3 rolled around, I was freaking out because I was nowhere near a computer to access my decision. It wasn’t until 5 that we all got home and I opened the page. I remember that I skipped over the part that said “Congrats!” and could not even read the page in my extreme excitement. My friends where the first to realize that I had gotten accepted. And the rest is now history, but, to say the least, that day was one of the best. </p>

<p>To those who will be the new freshman class next year, welcome to one of the most intellectual, diverse, interesting, challenging places you have ever been at. Although I am currently only a freshman, the experiences I have had and the people I have met have exceeded my expectations. I can say that you will not regret your decision to come to Penn, as long as you take advantage of all the university has to offer.</p>

thank you so much, you made me feel much better. Although I’m confident in making to Penn, I can not stop thinking what would I do if, God forbid, I get rejected. Thank you!</p>

<p>4 hours left.</p>

<p>I’m in physics class right now and I know checking the Penn decisions website is useless so I’m just on the threads here…less than four hours to go.</p>

<p>I wish all of us the best of luck. It’s incredibly hard to prepare for the worst and simultaneously hope for the best, but it’s what we have to do.</p>

<p>2 hours 48 minutes!!!</p>

<p>Man I had a Spanish lit test last block but I couldn’t focus!!! I’m so scared :/</p>