<p>If you guessed on every question on the SAT, you should get a raw score of zero. You would get 1/5 of the questions right and 4/5 wrong. The .25 penalty would completely cancel everything out.</p>
<p>Head Of Northeast Admissions!!!</p>
<p>I would say he has a 100% chance, do not be ignorant s'vrone. Just because it's "Harvard" doesn't mean it can't be a match school or 100% in for somebody..You are over-rate college admissions way too muchh</p>
<p>Another Off-topic</p>
<p>Has anyone tried the Stats evaluation service on this web-site? Is it worth it?</p>
<p>LOL give me a break xindianx. I'd say he has a 98% chance. S**t happens to everyone, in case you haven't noticed.</p>
<p>there is a kid in my school who has a 100% chance of getting into harvard</p>
<p>1350 Old SAT
SATII- 720 Physics- 720 IC 490 Writing
Class Rank- 40/449</p>
<p>hes already in because he is a recruited lacrosse player, a national top 50 recruit, and has received his likely letter. The admissions committee has met considering his application and said that he is in. so there you go, you can have a 100% chance</p>
<p>That's different. If the school tells you you will get in, that's basically getting the congratulatory yes letter and then telling someone you have a 100% chance.</p>
<p>so wait its 10:39 now, when are the nov sats gonna be up?</p>
<p>8 AM EST. get some sleep.</p>
<p>wow, Kobe has 24 points on 11-19 shooting in the first half.. the Kobe Show</p>
<p>stats eval...no idea; sorry! another random question: do low AP scores hurt in the college admissions game? If a transcript says AP on it, do we HAVE TO/Need to list our AP scores?</p>
<p>somone send me a random PM! I haven't been PMd since I've joined CC!</p>
<p>Larry Johnson is lighting it up for Kansas City tonight.
I got him on my fantasy football team. Hmmmm... I wonder if I should put that down as an EC?!?!?!?!?!?!</p>
<p>thanks for the PMs guys!</p>
<p>chad johnson.</p>
<p>It's weird...I feel a sense of calm about my scores. :D</p>
<p>cj's the man.</p>
<p>There's a live AIM chat (that's kinda dead right now) at nov5sat. All y'all COME!</p>
<p>it is officially 12:00 in NY!! its nov 21!!</p>
<p>And scores are not up.</p>