countdown until we recieve nov. SAT scores

<p>Hehe... I'm contemplating pulling an all-nighter. I <em>know</em> it's dorky, but let's face it: 1) I'm excited 2) I didn't get the chance to do it last time 3) this will be my last SAT 4) I'm still hyper from work so I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. </p>

<p>So what the hey...</p>

<p>If not knowing your SAT score causes you to not be able to sleep, then the first part of my suggestion is STRONGLY applicable. It might be better to spend your time contemplating what went wrong in your childhood that caused you to have such skewed idea of priorities and what matters in life. </p>

<p>Also -- whether you get into Harvard is not going to be the most important thing in your life... in fact, I believe it's a proven fact that people at the IVY (the "BEST") schools are the most unhappy. </p>

<p>Obviously i'm not criticizing anyone (ceecee) who has a legitimate reason to pull an all-nighter, although I don't know if I entirely believe that your being "hyper" from work prevents you from sleeping.. heh.</p>

<p>time for me to go to bed.</p>

<p>Ha ha,it's just 1:50 pm here :D</p>

<p>^ :0p My work involves sipping a divine caffeinated frosty-coffe mixture all night... mmmmMMMMmmmm</p>

<p>"Get a life and/or go shoot yourself.</p>

<p>Thank you, and good night."</p>

<p>and you come back 20 mins later to post something that?.....</p>

<p>I dont sleep till 3 usually anyway so hopefully itll be up by then, or Ill find out tomorrow morning, gl to all of you</p>

<p>2 hours left,I think ?</p>

<p>yeah....abt 2-3 hrs....</p>

<p>Now I'll take a nap :D .Good luck,you guys ;)</p>

<p>i think i am just gonna go to bed after i read a book. better than chatting on AIM about the SAT scores i don't even know yet. no offense to anyone.</p>

<p>yes about 2-3 hours
but it's 4:43 PM here in Japan so it would be weird if I WASN'T awake.
with that said, I'm going to take a nap and wake up in time for dinner.
au revoir!</p>


<p>Everyone join the official chatroom: nov5sat</p>

<p>Dumb question, as it's already probably somewhere in the thread, but do they officially post the scores at 3:00 a.m.?</p>

<p>valikor2, I can understand how you feel. If you are disgusted by the behavior of those here who are staying up for scores, much of the site probably disgusts you. It revolves almost entirely around an obsession with grades, scores, etc. I've felt the same way. There's more to life than this.</p>

<p>On the other hand, who's really to blame? As teenagers, most of us have no idea what we'll be doing with the rest of our lives. It's a scary position to be in. It's amplified by the fact that it's hard to have any security in what we'll be doing even next year. Everything's so expensive, and admissions are unpredictable.</p>

<p>If finding out SAT scores will ease that tension, I think that's alright. Stay up all night, and share how excited you are. Do teenagers really need to be accomplishing something great? I smile when I think about the person sipping coffee, reading forums, and taking it easy.</p>

<p>nicely said. at least this time there arn't a billion posts going " hi I got my score... no just kidding"</p>

<p>It's 10:15 AM in Romania!!!! I so hate time zone dfferences! <em>crying like a baby</em></p>

<p>This barely escaped my notice, but according to </p>

<p>"To view your scores on the Web, click the View and Send Scores button above and sign in to visit your SAT Registration and Scores page after 8 a.m. Eastern Time on or after the dates listed above." </p>

<p>I hope you all are positive on 5 AM.....</p>

<p>yeah.....but they generally come out early..............last time round they came 3.30 hrs before..</p>

<p>has anybody got their scores??</p>

<p>OMG,it is 3:55 p.m .Last time I got my score at 4 p.m</p>

<p>DD does you we are not in the US so I am checking for her while she is at school..</p>