<p>omg omg om g omg .. heh</p>
<p>I guess we will have to wait for at least 1 hour more.</p>
<p>y do u thnk so?</p>
<p>yup because last time the scores were released around 2 aM PST</p>
<p>wat is the eastern time rite now???</p>
<p>Last month I got the score at 4 p.m (local time)
But it is now winter,I think the time should be (4+1) p.m</p>
<p>is there sum daylight saving or sumthin goin on in america?????</p>
<p>cuz last time the scortes came four and a half hours before the deadline......thats 3.30 AM easrtern time.......wats the time there rite now???</p>
<p>It is now 4:15 a.m EST</p>
<p>EST is GMT -5...so just subtract one hour from the CC time posted at the bottom of your screen</p>
<p>where are the scores displayed once one is logged into their account?</p>
<p>The local time here is GMT + 7,so it is easy to calculate the EST from the local time.</p>
<p>DiGamma23 : they would be extremely conspicuous :D
Actually below the MY TEST REGISTRATIONS</p>
<p>CB is such a teaser. It's, like, "Your scores are in!" And then I look down and..... They're so not there. :( Why would they do that to me. It was even worse since I only took the one SAT II and the same one as last time so I said, "NOT THAT SCORE AGAIN! Wait......." -.-;; Stupid CB.</p>
<p>where does it say ur scores are in???????</p>
<p>dig, there will be a quick link to your scores in your organizer's page once the scores are out.</p>
<p>just 15 more minutes....hoping for the best.</p>
<p>Underneath SAT News and Alerts is where it says scores are in. From past experience this often gets posted quite awhile before the actual scores show up</p>
<p>heh... i love it how everytime you refresh you have to put in your password again...</p>
<p>no u dont.....</p>
<p>You love it ? So funny :D</p>