countdown until we recieve nov. SAT scores

<p>30 hours, 37 hours</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^37 minutes</p>

<p>This is painful. I'm just going to bury myself further in homework and not think about it.</p>

<p>Haha thank you, surfed_pipeline.</p>

<p>Here's my plan. I'm going to sleep relatively early today, do mad work tomorrow (homework, EC stuff, clean my room), then watch movies all night until 5 AM.</p>

<p>or then forgot about the test and wake up at 7:00 am monday morning (relaxed) and then check your scores. but then again its college confidential so its a little different,</p>

<p>Who here plans on pulling an all-nighter or staying up until you get your scores tomorrow?</p>

<p><em>Raises hand</em></p>

<p>I seriously think I'm clinically addicted to allnighters.</p>

<p>Do they post the scores at 12:00AM?</p>

<p>God, I'm so nervous :(</p>

<p>This is my first standardized test. I think I did pretty good on writing and critical reading, but I'm worried that I screwed up the math.</p>

<p>Damn ><</p>

<p>You guys should try just taking it easy and relaxing - I think it would help a lot. I did it an my scores for both the ACT and SAT went up a lot and I was a much happier person. Just try it.</p>

<p>i just want God to bless me with a 1950+ and no i am not a typical cc crying over 2390s</p>

<p>It seems to me that there are a lot of people on here that have expectations that they cannot meet. Now some are legit, but when everyone is predicting 2200+, I don't know if I can believe that.</p>

<p>theoneo, I second that (about the all-nighter)! :D</p>

<p>Oh man am I nervous. These SAT I results were the very last ones Harvard could consider - so I'm hoping they're my best!!! Good luck to everyone else!</p>

<p>Seriously though -- 12:00 AM?</p>

<p>Or sometime Monday?</p>

<p>2-3 am PST / 5-6 am EST</p>

<p>soo california is 2-3 then right? lol</p>

<p>PST: PACIFIC STANDARD TIME. so yes champ</p>

<p>You kids are crazy...don't pull an all-nighter! Get some sleep and check your scores in the morning. =)</p>

<p>champ thats actually what i am doing so dont copy my idea.</p>

<p>I actually enjoy allnighters haha.</p>

<p>I got like no sleep over the summer cause I'd be up doing absolutely nothing until 6 AM. And that was when I had (almost) nothing else to do. ;)</p>

<p>I am in Australia so the scores will be online at roughly 6pm my time.. no worries there..</p>