<p>How does it work? What does a 0500 class mean? Or 1040? And so on. Difficulty levels?</p>
<p>It's recently changed. Basically, it used to be 0-99 meant only undergraduates, 100-199 meant undergraduates (often concentrators) and sometiems graduate students, 200-299 are grad school classes, and 300-399 are med school classes.</p>
<p>But that wasn't strictly adhered to and changes from department to department. New course numbers are often the same except with a 0 at the end.</p>
<p>So 0500 is like 50 old, and 1040 like 104?</p>
<p>Some departments changed a few courses, but most didn't. I know that Professor Paradiso is upset they listed BN1 as BN0010 and wants to get it back to being BN0001 and doesn't understand why they couldnt just put the number in front...</p>