Courses about medical history?

<p>Does UA history courses have medical history? Solely based on website, history courses don’t have anything that says
medical or something similar, but there surely must be course related to the history of medicine, right?</p>

<p>I don’t think that would be a class that most history depts would offer.</p>

<p>History depts don’t offer the History of (everything). </p>

<p>However, see if the Honors College offers anything…and if not, make a suggestion.</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>How do you make a suggestion?</p>

<p>Not sure what the prerequisites are, but here’s an upper level history class being offered next semester, @paul2752:</p>



<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It’s being taught by this fellow: <a href=“Erik L. Peterson – Department of History”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>UA also offers some upper level sociology courses that may be along the lines of what you’re interested in studying:</p>



<p><a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama;

<p>thank you luciethelackie
I actually mailed prof. peterson and he gave me exactly same answer :slight_smile: will def. take the class.</p>

<p>That’s great, @paul2752. Let us know how it goes. Sounds like a fascinating class for premeds and anybody else interested in the history of medicine, especially given the recent rise of Ebola. </p>