Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

WA opened to all 16+ today, too! No openings anywhere in the greater Seattle area, as expected!


Our son now has himself on two major waitlists. He wants to see how that goes before exploring more options. I, of course, want to see him get that shot in his arm ASAP. But as long as he manages to get fully vaccinated before late June when we want to see him, Iā€™ll try to avoid stressing him, I.e. nagging him.


Our work group spent our lunch hour trying to find a vaccination appointment for a coworker. He managed to grab slots for himself, his wife, and 18 year old for tomorrow in Arlington (Wash). But he said those slots were going fast. I have an appointment one town away for Saturday. Lots of Washingtonians are eager to get their shots, now that all adults are eligible.


Kid and her ā€œvaccine caravanā€ got their shots and fully documented their vaccination experience with photos. It is not like pandemics happen every other yearā€¦ gotta have photo evidence of this historic moment. The young man (National Guard?) appearing in the photos giving their shots was probably tired by now of this big hoopla.


ā€œIt is not like pandemics happen every other yearā€ā€” donā€™t jinx us! :wink:

My 26-year-old son still needs his first shot. I might need to ā€œhelpā€ soon.


Doesnā€™t it feel like our sons will be the last ones in the country to get a vaccine?! Even though less than a quarter of the nation has been fully vaccinated, it still feels like heā€™s at the end of the line. Seattle has been slow and careful. UW Medicine is allowing everyone to go on the waitlist, but specified that they are still making appointments from the previous waitlist.

Seattle is a place where the demographics suggest that almost everyone wants the vaccine, in contrast to other areas where vaccine is readily available because many people do not want it. Hence vaccine tourismā€¦

Yes, itā€™s been a long wait, but weā€™re almost there! Even today, I saw appointments come and go quickly at grocery store pharmacies and other outlets. Our guys will get there soon, even if we have to give them a little push by scouting out available slots.

Do you know how far your son is willing to travel? South of Seattle, far to the north, and of course Eastern Washington all have far more openings right now than Seattle proper and North King County.

My son isnā€™t ready yet to travel very far (too busy with work) so Iā€™m not going to pressure him - let him have a week or so to see how it goes. I have peeked around online to see how availability looks around the greater Seattle area. But he works from home and has no social life, so doesnā€™t see a need to hunt yet. He would schedule if he gets a call from a waitlist, but that seems very unlikely for a bit.


He is probably using an excuse that heā€™s too busy with work to just not get it done. Lots of people break away from work to do it. If heā€™s working from home , he probably has flexibility in his schedule. My kids went 1+ and 2+ hours to get their first shots and they are both busy guys. But itā€™s a fine line when you are dealing with an adult child. Hope your son decides to get vaccinated soon!

He just became eligible today, so not an excuse. Itā€™s me that thinks he would rather not take four or more hours off of work based on how busy he is, nothing heā€™s said. If I pressure him, he would do it, but I donā€™t want to do that to him.

You may be able to encourage him without pressuring him . I would be careful to not make excuses for him as lots of people are busy and still get it done, even if it means traveling. But, great he is on wait-lists and hope he is able to get a local appointment soon. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be relieved when he is vaccinated. Good luck!

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Since today is the first day he could even attempt to schedule, itā€™s not as if heā€™s been putting it off. If in the end he has to make a four or five hour round trip drive by himself - twice - Iā€™m sure he will do that. Or ask me to try for an appointment. No one even knows yet how difficult it may be ongoing in Seattle. Itā€™s good to realize that Seattleites are eager to be vaccinated because the more that get it, the safer everyone will be.

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Sorry, I had edited my last post before I saw this from you. I didnā€™t think I was set to private so I need to check that. I wish you and your son all the best and hope he does not have too much difficulty getting an appointment

My D is finally eligible to covid shot and will make appt ā€œsoon.ā€ Both the CA and vaccine websites show availability but I didnā€™t pursue. I think sheā€™ll hurry and do it. Our local cvs was loaded with folks getting vaccineā€”sitting socially distanced, wearing masks.

I can believe people can be busy. My husband has been eligible for a while now, but he is really busy with work. A random appointment on a weekday in the middle of the day would not do it for him because he could be in the middle of an important experiment that canā€™t be stopped or postponed. Thatā€™s why we are going to a far away land that had guaranteed appointments on a weekend.

Regarding driving far: I would not drive alone over a mountain pass after a shot. What if there is a delayed reaction? Everyone I knew who went there went in groups. My husband and I are going together. My kid took a carloadā€¦ so if one of them did not feel that great, at least they would not be driving.


It seems like every time they made a group eligible for the vaccines here, the first few days of appointments or drive thru clinics were filled quickly, but within a week there were many appointments available, usually very close to home. There was a slight delay here this week with the pause of the J&J (which many of the big clinics were using), but most places just switched to one of the other ones and scheduled second appointments for 3-4 weeks later at the same place and time.

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Iā€™ve made almost 400 appts, all over, including Puerto Rico (lots of CVS there). Some MA sites are letting you schedule without meeting the current eligibility. When people are flexible it takes less than a day for me to find them an appointment. Message me anyone wants help.


This thread inspired me to check CVS again and I found openings locally. This allowed my younger two (S and DIL) to swap their 3 hour round trip for their second dose to a 50 minute trip. There were a lot of appointments available, so it canā€™t be merely cancellations. That CVS must have received more doses (Pfizer). I last checked a day or two ago and they were totally booked. The first shot was a nice short trip - very scenic, esp in spring, but weā€™re all happy they can get their second dose locally instead!

ETA Unfortunately checking CVS in NC near my long hauler shows them all still full. I suspect it wonā€™t be too long before things change. Iā€™m glad people around my long hauler are getting vaxed because itā€™s another area where stereotypically one would think many wouldnā€™t.


All CVS in the state of Washington are fully booked as of right now.