Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

Lots of people have info on the rolling out of the covid vaccines in their areas. Maybe post those here instead of on the thread asking who has received a shot.

Would be interesting to see the guidelines being used from place to place.

I’m not a moderator, but please, no editorial comments about this as this will get the thread closed, I think.

So…what are the guidelines in YOUR state for the roll out?

Here’s the current guideline from IL. Vaccination-Plan

Here’s the rollout of who is included in the phases of vaccine distribution. Phase 1a is already in full swing.

Phase 1a:

  • Health Care Personnel are defined as paid and unpaid persons serving in health care settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients’ infections materials.
    Examples include:
    • Clinicians: Such as nurses, physicians, respiratory technicians, dentists, and hygienists.
    • Other workers in health care settings: Such as Nursing assistants, environmental services staff, assisted living facility staff, long-term care facility staff, group home staff, and home caregivers. This also includes Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
  • Inclusion in Phase 1a is not dependent upon payment for their work or job title. Situations associated with higher risk of transmission include caring for COVID-19 patients, cleaning areas where COVID-19 patients are admitted, treated, and housed, and performing procedures with higher risk of aerosolization such as endotracheal intubation, bronchoscopy, suctioning, turning the patient to the prone position, disconnecting the patient from the ventilator, invasive dental procedures and exams, invasive specimen collection, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Also included in this group are those individuals distributing the vaccine, such as pharmacists, plasma and blood donation workers, public health nurses, and other public health and emergency preparedness workers. Morticians, funeral home workers, and other death care professionals involved in handling bodies are included in this high-risk group. When vaccine is scarce, priority should be given to high risk health workers who are involved in direct patient care, as well as those working in transport, environmental services, or other health care facility services – who risk exposure to bodily fluids or aerosols. Access to vaccine when scarce should not be defined by professional title, but rather by an individual’s actual risk of exposure to COVID-19.
  • Long Term Care Facility Residents are defined as adults who reside in facilities that provide a variety of services, including medical and personal care, to persons who are unable to live independently.

The proceeding phases are widely seen as the next potential groups to be eligible to be vaccinated. These phases have been prepared in order to assist LHD’s to be prepared with a plan, which can be updated as further ACIP guidance is released.

Phase 1b: More guidance to come pending ACIP recommendations;

  • Possible groups could include: Essential Frontline Workers, which are defined as those workers who are essential for the functioning of society.
  • Examples include:
  • First Responders such as police, firefighters (including volunteer), national guard acting in the capacity of a first responder. (Note: EMS is included in Health Care Personnel)
  • Food & agriculture, such as meat processing plants.
  • Utilities.
  • Transportation, such as transit and trucking.
  • Corrections officers.
  • Education.
  • ACIP will make specific age recommendations as data become available.

As recommendations are released from ACIP, it is expected that essential frontline workers will include those designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as belonging to categories of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers who are at a higher risk of exposure and not able to reduce risk through telework or isolation.

Phase 1c: More guidance to come pending ACIP recommendations;

  • Possible groups could include: Adults with High Risk Medical Conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, COPD, Heart Conditions, chronic Kidney conditions, Cancer, Solid Organ Transplant, Sickle Cell Disease, etc.
  • Possible groups could include: Adults over 65 years of age.
  • ACIP will make specific age recommendations as data become available.

Phase 2: More guidance to come pending ACIP recommendations;

  • Possible groups could include: Workers in industries and occupations important to the functioning of society, such as personnel in dentist offices, medical and diagnostic labs, food/beverage manufacturing facilities and stores, cosmetic and beauty supply stores, optical goods stores, other health/personal care stores, transportation industries, postal service and couriers/messengers, general warehousing and storage, pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing.
  • Possible groups could include: People of all ages with comorbid and underlying conditions that put them at moderately higher risk include the same list as Phase 1c.
  • ACIP will make specific age recommendations as data become available.

Phase 3: More guidance to come pending ACIP recommendations;

  • Possible groups could include: Young adults, defined as adults aged 18-30.
  • Possible groups could include: Children under the age of 18. This is dependent upon a pediatric vaccine approval/availability.

Phase 4: More guidance to come pending ACIP recommendations;

  • Possible groups could include: Includes all persons residing in Illinois who did not have access to the vaccine in previous phases (and for whom the vaccine is not medically contraindicated, if contraindications are known for the vaccine).

*Population estimates adapted from Ariadne Labs’ Vaccine Allocation Planning Tool (methodology) and adjusting to exclude the City of Chicago, which will receive its own vaccine allocation from CDC. Population group categories are not exclusive and may not add to the total population (e.g. within phase 2, an individual may fall under “teachers/school staff” and also under “all older adults”).

Note: More guidance to come pending ACIP recommendations.

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I wish there was more detail about what “education” means when it comes to the vaccine in Illinois. All teachers? All college professors and staff?

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At the current rate of vaccination, there will be less than 40 million vaccination by Sept. 1 next year. We’d better improve on that rate soon.


people seem very concerned about the rate of vaccination right now and I know it’s slower than promised but I am wrong to not feel that concerned? Seems like the government has been buying up more vaccines and there should be even more types coming. Everyone I know in health care has received theirs. Why would we think the rate of vaccination won’t pick up considerably as more vaccines are out and get distributed to Walgreens, etc.

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In my county (not sure if the entire state), every town has a vaccination center, ours is a few towns away, appointment only. So far the only people know personally who got the vaccine are healthcare workers. Dd19 starts working in a hospital next week to get hours over winter break, I’m hoping she gets it (although she’s had covid already, she was off campus last semester).


Texas continues to receive doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, and is distributing statewide to hospitals, pharmacies, local health departments, freestanding ERs and other clinics.

Who’s getting the vaccine now?

If you are a front-line healthcare worker or resident of a long-term care facility, you are eligible now to receive the vaccine, since December 14. This group is considered Phase 1A.

If you are in Phase 1B, you are also eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, depending on availability and the vaccine provider. Vaccine supply remains limited, but more vaccine will be delivered to providers each week. Phase 1B recipients include:

  • People 65 years of age and older
  • People 16 years of age and older with at least one chronic medical condition that puts them at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19, such as but not limited to:
    • Cancer
    • Chronic kidney disease
    • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
    • Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathies
    • Solid organ transplantation
    • Obesity and severe obesity (body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or higher)
    • Pregnancy
    • Sickle cell disease
    • Type 2 diabetes mellitus

If you are in Phase 1A or 1B, please visit the Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Locations map to see if and where you might be able to get a vaccine today. Remember, your ability to get a vaccine today or this week will depend on vaccine availability at your provider’s office, clinic, or facility. Please call ahead to your provider.

Who’s getting the vaccine next and when?

The Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel (EVAP) is considering what criteria could be used for later stages of vaccine distribution. This webpage will be updated when those decisions are completed.

Spring 2021 is the best estimate of when vaccine will be available for the general public, but that may change. It depends on vaccine production and how quickly other vaccines become available.

What do I need to do now?

  • Phase 1A: If you are a healthcare worker, contact your employer. If you are a long-term care resident,
    contact your caretaker.
  • Phase 1B: Please visit the Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Locations mapto see vaccine providers near you.
    • Do not show up at a hospital or clinic looking for vaccine.
    • Instead please check their website for information about vaccine availability. Call if the website doesn’t answer your questions.Remember, your ability to get a vaccine today or this week will depend on vaccine supply at hospitals, clinics. Texas receives more vaccine shipments each week. Please check this page frequently for updates.

I certainly hope, and believe, the rate will improve. The question is by how much. Based on our record on testing, I’m more than a little concerned that we’ll fail to meet our goals again. The gains we had in speedy vaccine development could be squandered if we can’t get the shots into people’s arms as speedily.


Can’t speak re: Illinois directly, but the VA website directed me to a link from Homeland Security. This is my first link so hopefully it works. Basically, education includes anyone and everyone involved with education. (page 11)

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The healthcare workers where I live seem to be getting vaccinated quickly. Supposedly I am in the next round, but I have not heard anything.

I was talking to a friend yesterday and she told me about a local school with very, very disabled students. The students do not wear masks, and the teachers and therapists are very nervous and stressed. It made me wonder why these people were not at least a little higher up on the priority list.

Cross posted on the other thread, but this is concerning. If health care workers are not confident in the vaccine, that will not inspire confidence in the general population.

All the healthcare professionals in my family have gotten the vaccine with no side effects, including a nursing mother.

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All healthcare workers I know (family and friends) have gotten vaccinated fairly quickly.

For the rest (1B, 65+ etc) it’s proving be a mess and very poorly managed in my neck of the woods. There is so much confusion about how, when, where…Pharmacies and doctor offices are inundated with inquires…surely there could have been a better way to roll this out.

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Here’s an article citing vaccine hesitancy among HCWs and staff in many more areas than LA.

Also, Bloomberg has this vaccine tracker that is updated frequently. You can see how your state is doing getting allocated vaccines into people’s arms:


From the VA Dept. of Health:
The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) reviewed vaccine studies and made recommendations on who should receive the COVID-19 vaccine first. Certain groups will get the vaccine first based on their higher risks for COVID-19. The first vaccines are going to healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities in Phase 1a. The next priority group, Phase 1b, includes frontline essential workers and people 75 and older. Then, people aged 16-74 with high-risk medical conditions, people aged 65-74, and other essential workers are the next priority group in Phase 1c. The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) is reviewing the recommendations for Phases 1b and 1c and will provide further guidance soon.

I got an email from our top boss saying that he considers us to all be essential workers in phase 1c at the latest. I don’t feel essential, but I won’t complain.

I am not currently concerned about the slow roll-out. Hiccups are to be expected for a roll-out of this magnitude. Plus, once more and more vaccines are shipped to pharmacies and it opens up for more groups, I think the rate will increase significantly. I am just hoping that younger S can get vaccinated before the end of May. He’s supposed to study abroad end of May-beg. of July. I wish the program would delay it a month, as I feel like that timeline would be easier to meet. Younger S has had covid, and survived a big test of his antibodies a couple of weeks ago, but I still would want him to be vaccinated. And it’s possible other countries may require it.

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My SIL works in a hospital system. She said they were give 14,000 vaccines and have given out 11,500 of them already. She’s dragging her feet but has no good reason and is annoying. Just said she doesn’t usually do flu shot and never has had a mammogram. Thinks she’ll get a Covid vaccine at some point. So, sometimes people are just lazy not completely against taking it. When the concert venues start requiring it, I bet she’ll get it. :roll_eyes:


Read the Bloomberg article. It sounds like lower level staff are the ones refusing the vaccine. I’d bet doctors who have a better understanding of the science of mRNA are not. The media needs to emphasize that professional medical organizations are encouraging people to get the vaccine. The headlines of health care workers (however that is defined) refusing to be vaccinated, is going to discourage the general populace.


Favor to ask: Is it possible to include (or even start with) your state abbreviation? I still don’t know where many of you reside. Totally understand if you prefer it to be anonymous. Thanks!

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The issue with this is it would be an experiment…there is no data to support dosing people once (with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines), followed by a booster way after the time they were given in the clinical trials (if ever). For example, we don’t know for how long the prime dose (that’s the first shot) will last without having a booster (the second shot).

Derek Lowe has a good summary of the issues on twitter today. FWIW Pfizer has told the UK MHRA (their FDA) that the vaccine is not approved to be used like that. Everyone understands the issue we are facing with covid, and getting more people dosed is compelling…but make no mistake, we do not know how giving only one shot of Pfizer’s or Moderna’s vaccine will play out. It is a gamble, pure and simple. With that said, Fauci said today that the US is also discussing giving only one injection in order to dose double the number of people.

Their plan is to boost them at the 3 month mark, so even that is better than not. Already I know people scheduled for their second shot here. It’s a complete joke that we barely have 2m people vaccinated. We should be vaccinating people around the clock. 70 and 80 year olds in Florida are camping out overnight! What the hell? That is so wrong. What a disaster that state is. It’s bad enough they’re under-reporting their numbers but to have hundreds of people just sitting in lawn chairs sleeping overnight is absurd.

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We don’t know this is better. There is no data that supports this regimen. None.

Agreed what is happening in Florida is reprehensible

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