Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

^It’s so reminiscent of the testing mess in the spring.


They’ll figure it out. A lot more vaccine options coming down the pike and more people will come on board to adminster the vaccine. Distribution will get wider with greater availability. Growing pains.

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I looked up Butterfly World but ran into this about scams (doesn’t take long!) to look out for.


It has come to our attention that a social media post is circulating with a claim that representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are going to residences dressed in protective gear and conducting COVID-19 testing. This is untrue. The CDC is not visiting residents’ homes.

During these times, scammers are seeking opportunities to take advantage of consumers. We encourage you to be vigilant in identifying scams and review these helpful tips:

  • Scams can include social media posts, texts and websites meant to take your personal information and money and infect computers.

  • Think twice before investing in companies who say they are working on a coronavirus cure. Check official sources like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission before being lured into a scam.

  • Be aware of fake fundraising. Verify the charity is legitimate. If someone wants donations in cash, gift card or by wiring money, don’t do it.

  • Watch out for online marketing of vaccinations or products claiming to treat the virus.

  • Do not click on unfamiliar links or emails. Phishing emails may mention the coronavirus, medical supplies or claim to be from government, national or local health organizations in order to get users to open the message that unleashes malware.

  • Watch for emails claiming to be from the CDC or experts saying they have information about the virus.

  • Be aware of entering personal information into websites.

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I sure hope so.

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Literally as I was reading this a pop up came on my screen that NYC is aiming to ramp up their vaccine administration with a goal of 400k vaccinations a week as their cases are increasing. That’s great, but I had seen on the news last week that NY is one state that is ahead of all the others in administration, even though it is still pathetically low. :frowning:

We shouldn’t be surprised it’s been a disaster in rolling it out. Now the team is all over the news changing their story saying they didn’t say we would have administered this many by the end of December. At this point, people need to stop dwelling on that and figure out how to get it administered. Enough already. Let’s move on and find a solution to get people vaccinated!!

Once NY got under control they have been amazing.

Having two students in states where things are polar opposite it is easy to see how good or bad things are but unless you’re in one of those other places or experiencing it you don’t really know how good you have it there in NY right now.

Please feel free to share insights without making political commentary. Truly, it can be done. :grin:

Several posts deleted.


My health system is telling us that they will notify re vaccine scheduling via their online portal.

Dental offices are getting it here in IL. Originally they were overlooked somehow which is crazy as they’re in our mouths and it’s not like we can wear a mask at that time. My hygienist is being vaccinated tomorrow, another in their office was today, and a friend of mine who works for another dentist got vaccinated today when she showed up for work not even knowing she was getting it. IL Dental Association has had some of the strictest measures as it is for patients coming in so I’m really happy we can soon even feel more protected.


In case someone is interested in how vaccinations are going in Germany, my MD friend who vaccinates called me last night to tell me how it’s going.

They have repurposed an exhibition center and built a one way maze with ventilation shafts overhead that people are shuffled through. People have appointments staggered in ten minute intervals. They are first led into a movie theatre where they are shown a short information clip. Then they are moved on into 12 cubicles, each with a doctor sitting inside, to answer any questions they might still have. Then they sign the form of informed consent and are jabbed. Next.

After, they are shuffled into one of three supervised recovery rooms to rest for 15 minutes and be monitored for any adverse reactions. So far, no issues.

She was exhausted (particularly because her cubicle is right next to the theatre and the walls are thin, so the information clip is blaring into her ears all day, and she will try to get another one next time), but impressed with the process.

Most people are simply utterly grateful. She had just one conspiracy theorist, who’d already had all her teeth pulled out of fear of mercury, but that one hat her granddaughter with her who was an EMT and managed to half jolly, half bully grandma into finally consenting.

One 80 yo felt he shouldn’t be a priority at all - “aren’t there any more health care workers who need it first?” Germany has prioritised emergency and ICU staff only, then 80 and up. Next tier will be other healthcare staff, then 70 and up. Then police, teachers etc. and 60 and up. And so on.

She also said that while a lot of the jumbled together medical staff are part time parents like her and retirees who have been drafted in, another lot are full time surgeons from the university hospital who are having all non essential surgeries cancelled, and who have chosen to step up in the vaccination center rather than twiddling their thumbs.

I so like hearing these reports, they are giving me hope.


Sounds well-run! You must be appalled to read of the shortages, questionable priorities for who gets immunized, and how people can butt their way into the queue.

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Here’s how we’re doing it. The federal government is only responsible for delivery of vaccines to the states. Each state government is only responsible for delivery of vaccines to hospitals and localities. Each hospital and locality is supposed to figure out on its own how to get the vaccines into people’s arms. No one is ultimately in charge or takes responsibility anywhere. We have this blind faith in localism, even when faced with a pandemic which is global, certainly at least national in scope. Some localities may perform well, but many won’t on their own. They simply lack the resources and organizational skills to carry out the fight against the pandemic (including vaccination) on their own.


in the midwest; slightly frustrated at the tier system. I have 4 parents/inlaws ages 89 & 79. The local county health department said maybe end of January - but by mid march. I’m feeling impatient as I’m looking at the tier systems set by the state; and wishing that the 75+ group - who’s been hit the hardest – would be above the veterinarian techs, the medical records clerks, the finance guys, the naturopaths, the admin support, the chiropractors etc. Of course these rolls are valuable and needed in organizations. but I’m just frustrated that the elderly are not included. :frowning:

I think the state (IL) prioritized those of us having to work in person over retired folks who are living independently and can stay home. My chiropractic office has been open and seeing patients since the end of May. We see lots of patients who would potentially be needing an ER visit if we weren’t open. Having us better protected means more safety for our patients. We are scheduled to get the first jab on Thursday.


^^thanks, I do appreciate that response.

Minus the information clip, that was exactly what I told my family last night at dinner that they should be doing here. Should have known the Germans would be organized - and glad that someone has their act together. A bit jealous though, I admit.

This seems to be true. Illinois is vaccinating only 1a people right now which includes medical personnel and people in long term care facilities which includes independent care type, not just assisted living.

I know radiologists that have gotten in and they rarely every see patients. I know dental people who have gotten it and they have their mouths in patients. I do think however, there are plenty of medical personnel that never see patients or work in hospitals that probably shouldn’t be getting it yet, or should be last in group 1a but at this point, I’d rather see all of group 1a get it than skipping to 1b like what is happening in other states.

Unfortunately, some states have left it up to local governments even within counties, who don’t have the resources to administer it. Supply at this point isn’t the problem, it’s the administration of the supply!

I saw the email from our health department and they are specifically including admins and support staff in their groupings. I think if people are working on site, it probably makes sense to have everyone vaccinated, even if they aren’t doing direct patient care. They are still walking the halls, taking the elevators, dining, interacting with other people, etc… That said, I know a few folks who exclusively work from home who were vaccinated and I think that’s BS.

And to clarify, I didn’t mean seniors in independent living where there is high population density. I meant seniors still in their individual homes. My inlaws have priority now in FL but they are in great health, are retired, and basically just want the vaccine so they can go to restaurants more, play tennis, and see friends. IMO, they shouldn’t be the priority. They can easily stay home!

100%!! I have heard too there are medical people WFH that are being vaccinated and that is complete BS.

I have a snowbird relative in FL that is getting the vaccine today. He is in his 80’s and called the VA and they put him in touch with someplace and he got scheduled for today. It isn’t going so smooth there but I just saw the Governor say it’s not his job to deal with it as it was passed to the counties and then passed to the hospitals. This is why the Federal Gov’t needs to take action and implement a plan. Hospitals cannot be in charge of this.

My healthy 62 year old husband will be in the absolute last group. If we keep up at the rate we’re going with 1m vaccines a week it will be about 5-7 years before he can get vaccinated! My parents are in the next group 1b with me being in education. Educators were supposed to be end of January here. No way is that happening. My MIL in independent living they have no date for as of now, my MD ex husband still nothing (as I previously said that keeps getting changed) and my parents are not in the best shape so it’s important they get it. The strange thing is that my daughter when she goes back to school in Texas, may very well wind up getting it before everyone else, because there so many medical staff don’t want it that they’ve already moved along to group 1b. Crazy.

Given many locations have so many vaccines available but for various reasons seem unable to actually give the vaccines to the intended recipients, I would like to see them try to open it up to wider groups. It seems they are trying too hard to ensure no one skips the queue and the result is very few are getting the shot…the numbers are terrible these days.

I wish we had a more centralized approach and were not so divided that it could be implemented more quickly…target high-density areas with wide outbreaks but I am sure that would never fly in today’s environment.