<p>I'm leaving for college next month and I'm so nervous about leaving home for the first time. I'm going to Lyndon state for broadcast journalism and its an amazon school for that major but I'm still freaking out. I'm only going about 3 hrs and 15 minutes away from home but I'm very close to my family and have an amazon group of friends which I'm nervous about leaving. I've lived in this small town of about 1500 people and only had 50 in my graduating class so I'm worried about being a small fish in a big ocean too. Any advice? Sorry if it sounds like I'm whining I'm just the first out of my siblings to go to college so I'm unsure of what to expect</p>
<p>Thanks everyone!</p>
<p>Amazon school? Amazon group of friends?</p>
<p>I’m thinking some kind of automated spell check caught the OP.
My advice is to stay at school over the weekends (don’t go home much). Do all the activities set up for your dorm or hall. Keep your door open while you are in the room to meet people. Sign up for a couple of clubs you are interested in. If you get the chance to be in a study group, do it. Don’t expect your roommate to be your best friend – it is gravy if they are, but if you can peacefully coexist that is enough. And go to class, see your professor at office hours if you don’t have questions, read/work ahead in classes that are hardest for you so lecture is more about picking up the stuff you still didn’t get.</p>
<p>If you do those things you should make some friends and do well in classes. Good luck, you will have a great time!</p>
<p>Amazon? Like… Only girls?</p>
<p>Haha sorry I meant amazing…my phone likes to change things :). Thanks guys you are making me feel better, I head out on Wednesday and I know I should be excited because I just bought myself a new car (a buggy!) and my parents surprised me with a laptop and they are all being so supportive I’m just worried that I won’t be able to keep in touch with my family and my friends. And then they’ll forget about me (dumb I know, I think I just need to relax)</p>
<p>One of the best way is be confident and always chin up.</p>