Creating an FAQ for the college admission process

I’ll reply via PM so as not to go off topic / detract from the main purpose of this thread.

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Perhaps one question that is less likely to be asked but should be asked by more students is about limitations on majors within a college. Colleges often do not make it obvious which applies (and more than one may apply to different divisions of a college):

All majors open Some majors capacity limited
Apply to college/university as a whole UO UL
Apply to a division of a college DOD* DL
Apply to a specific major MO or MOD* ML

*DOD or MOD means all majors within the division are open; changing to a major in another division may require another admission process.


  • UO: Stanford, MIT
  • UL: Harvard (visual environmental studies is limited)
  • DOD: Pittsburgh engineering
  • DL: engineering at Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue, Texas A&M, Virginia Tech, Washington
  • MO: CSU Dominguez Hills
  • ML: most CSUs
  • multiple: UCB is ML for high demand L&S majors and all engineering majors, but DOD, DL, or MOD for other majors.

Regarding important FAQs, I bookmarked this thread a long time ago, waiting for that blessed moment when admissions decisions are in hand, and the students need ideas on how to compare their admitted schools: Share criteria important in your “in-house” ranking of colleges?

While we’re not quite finished with this year, this is a FAQ that I would dearly love to see pinned and updated so that the students and their families can look over the great ideas on how to hone in on the final choice. Perhaps we could even create a template (assuming there isn’t one already) as a starter and then kids/families can add their own criteria that is most meaningful to them?