Creative Writing Program at Eckerd

Looking for any information about the creative writing program at Eckerd. Pros and cons? My daughter is trying to decide between Eckerd and Goucher.

I can only speak to Eckerd’s program. Have you looked at the department’s website? Why Creative Writing at Eckerd | Eckerd College in Florida The program is well known as well as the Writer’s in Paradise program. Students can contribute to the newspaper as well as the literary magazine. There are many writing internships available to students in the St. Petersburg area. The strong mentor/professor relationship is a big draw.

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EC’s Creative Writing program is one of its draws. We don’t have personal experience, but I know two friends of my DS (a current Eckerd student) who are in the program and can tell you that they are both really impressive students and seem very happy with the program…

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Hello! Is there any chance my daughter could talk to your daughters friends? Her Instagram is @whossoniya

I will check with DS, and pass that along.