creative writing

<p>Does Yale have a creative writing major at all or any major similar? I know Yale has a great music program, it woudl be really good if they had a reputable creative writing program as well!</p>

<p>Yale has a writing program within the English major which is very well regarded, and has a very high acceptance rate into the top graduate programs in English, literature and creative writing. Contact a few English professors at Yale and they'll probably fill you in on it. I've heard they also offer summer writing workshops with famous writers.</p>

<p>Yale undergraduates often dominate the prestigious Atlantic Monthly student writing contest: <a href=""&gt;;/a>. Also, I believe most of the graduate students in the Harvard English Ph.D. program last year were Yale graduates. Yale's English department is ranked #1 in the United States by USNews, along with UC-Berkeley and Harvard (which are much larger universities and give more preference to graduate students than Yale). Other well known English departments include UC-Irvine, Chicago, Michigan, Princeton and Duke. </p>

<p>The Iowa Writers Workshop (IWW) at the University of Iowa is obviously famous specifically for writing, but is for grad students only - though if you do well in a top writing program like Yale you'd have a shot at getting in. It's a very small and selective program and takes a lot of non-traditional, older students who have already published.</p>