Criminal Sexual Misconduct: Three Dartmouth Professors

The Wall Street Journal published a short news item on Page A5 in its 11-1-2017 issue, stating that “New Hampshire law-enforcement authorities are conducting a criminal investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct involving three professors at Dartmouth College, the state attorney general said Tuesday.”

The affected faculty are reported to be on paid leave and have restricted access to the campus. Last week, the college began its own internal investigation.

Anyone on campus have specific insights?

I do not believe any has. I recommend following Joe Asch’s Dartblog accounts, since he appears to be as connected as anyone. Heatherton’s problems apparently relate to an out-of-state incident (per the latest statement from his attorney) and not anything directly connected to the college or Hanover or even New Hampshire. The other two professors may be under investigation for the manner in which they conducted some recent research that (as I understand it) involved questions about the sexual attitudes of young female students after exposing them to images of some undefined nature. You have to go very overboard, I would think. to land in a criminal investigation for that sort of thing, but there are strict guidelines for experimentation with human subjects [remember the infamous Stanford prison experiment from many years ago?] and I suppose it’s possible that there could be criminal implications. Not my area of expertise, I fear.

New York Times:

The Chronicle of Higher Education:

New Hampshire Union Leader:

From Valley News:

Asch hates Hanlon–and he hated Jim Kim–and his views are, shall we say, highly colored. :slight_smile:

Ah … but that’s not to say that he is wrong in at least some of his judgments – and my recommendation was to follow him for the news & documents he provides. Readers can draw their own judgments about the editorial comments. :-SS

Oh, certainly. :slight_smile: