Crimson Cabaret

<p>My D is a junior and because of rank will have automatic eligibility for UT but she is adament that she doesn’t want to stay in Texas (Urghhh!)
Having a dance team that competes is a real priority for her so we are looking at schools in most of the other major conferences…SEC, ACC, Pac-10 etc…with warmer weather.<br>
UA has risen to the top in the SEC.
My question is whether anyone knows how the Crimson Cabaret is regarded on campus. Not so much in terms of dance style; my daughter has seen their performances on and youtube. Its really more a question of whether they are held in regard, respected,valued. Thank you for any knowledge you might have.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what you mean. Do you mean that when in classes, do the other students respect them? I’m not sure if while they’re in classes that people know who they are (out of costume).</p>

<p>Do you mean are others respectful of the group and what they do? I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t be.</p>

<p>The later. It can go both ways: either students recognize that the costumes are simply that, the dances are performaces pieces and the skills are valued or…could be viewed in an entirely different light. Wondering if there was a generally positive or negative opinion of the group on campus.</p>

<p>I think the campus has a positive image of all those who perform. I think college kids are aware of the discipline and hard work that goes into performances.</p>

<p>I certainly do not think that there are any negative feelings at all.</p>


<p>Thanks mom2 collegekids.
D and I will be attending University Days in February to get a better feel for the university than the website can give.
Some colleges and universities allow high school students to attend their try-out clinics that occur before try-outs. D has done that with two different universities and felt comfortable with her skill level. Alabama doesn’t see to allow that. Their informational meeting and clinic was in March last year, while try-outs were in April.</p>

<p>Not that I would know the answer (I’m just the parent of a prospective - male - student myself), but are you concerned about the girls’ reputations as young women? Because of the costumes they wear and the way they dance? Is that what you mean? Or are you asking whether they’re respected as dancers with talent, versus (idk) “bimbos” who jump around during the games? Or are you wondering whether they’re held in really high regard and KNOWN for their talent and success, like, say, the Rice U orchestra, or the Bama football team, or the Missouri journalism program, etc.</p>

<p>I guess I don’t quite understand the question either. Just curious. Like I said, I won’t be able to answer it even after I understand the question! :slight_smile: But maybe somebody else will.</p>

<p>I know that when I was at Iguana Grill the night before this week’s game and there were some Crimsonette (baton twillers) families there…moms in Crimsonette Mom shirts, dads in Crimsonette Dad shirts, girls in Crimsonette pants/zip jackets, they were getting very positive remarks from those of us waiting. I can’t imagine that the Crimson Cabaret young ladies wouldn’t get the same.</p>

<p>Yeah. That’s what I would guess, too. Really, I would think that anybody associated with that football team and program would get a lot of respect and accolades. But I don’t know anything! :)</p>

<p>Hi TX12DanceMom. I see that one of the young ladies on this year’s Crimson Cabaret team is from Humble, TX: [2010-11</a> Crimson Cabaret Squad Selected - ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE - University of Alabama Official Athletic Site](<a href=“]2010-11”></p>

<p>Perhaps you could e-mail the team’s coordinator, Marion Powell (<a href=“”></a>), to see if she’ll help put your daughter in touch with her team member from Texas, who then might be able to give you the straight scoop on your questions.</p>

<p>It is a group of lovely ladies showing their school spirit. Nothing wrong with that at all. They are held in high esteem from my experience. Just as much a part of gameday as the Band. They perform along with the band two hours before the game, in front of the Main Library.</p>

<p>The Cabaret performs during men’s basketball games too. They are very highly thought of and keep many Dad’s in their seats to watch them perform :-). Very beautiful & talented ladies.</p>

<p>Really good to hear Atlanta68 and NJBama.<br>
Malanai - wonderful idea! We are attending University Days on 2/21 but don’t have a flight back on Southwest until the 22nd. It would be wonderful if we could meet with the dancer from Texas and learn what her experience has been.
Thank you all for your replies.</p>

<p>Rampant eating disorders, not well-thought of as far as true dance technique in Tuscaloosa either. You must realize that the person over both the dance team and Crimsonettes is from a tiny, backward little town in West Alabama, has her own way of doing things and choosing the members, and requires that they all take private lessons from her that she must choreograph herself at some point prior to auditions as well as purchasing a ridiculously expensive audition costume from her friend (from many hundreds of $ to thousands of $s) Thats just the way it is done there. No one dares to question her methods, even though this woman is not even employed by the University, she has been allowed enough power to force her views and politics down the throats of girls for over 30 yrs. Enough is enough. Who has to die of anorexia or bulimia to make MP happy?</p>

<p>Wow someone has an axe to grind :-). </p>

<p>I’m not going to get in an argument over this but a friend of mine is married to a former Crimson Cabaret dancer and she speaks nothing but fondly about her time on campus. I guess everyone looks at things differently though.</p>

<p>And that girl on the Fax Cam sure didn’t look anorexic or bulimic to me. Mike Slive still owes that poor girl an apology.</p>

<p>I agree. The fax cam girl didn’t do anything wrong.</p>

<p>People, you are missing the point here: the Director (who is in fact a local Tuscaloosa area high school teacher and not even a University employee) when confronted by several Crimsonettes about one particular girls drastic weight loss when the young lady bottomed out at 67lbs THIS year, was quoted as saying “I wish I had here genes” instead of getting the girl some help.</p>

<p>I saw the dancers on Saturday and they were normal size.</p>

<p>You are correct, Mom2-most of them are indeed normal size, however the Crimsonette at the center of the most recent weight debate has dropped from 105 lbs to 67 lbs over the last few years and instead of getting the girl some help for the anorexia, Coach P continues to say that the girl is just ‘genetically fortunate.’ Texas Mom, if your daughter is a classically trained dancer with professional aspirations, check out Birmingham-Southern College. They are an exclusive liberal arts college with an excellent dance program and a great dance team (Southern Stars.) Good luck to you and your family!</p>