Critical Reading should be nailed?

<p>Same prob again, the score report comes out and i see critical reading getting half of them wrong, but only miss 6 on both other sections...</p>

<p>is there anyway to improve in for Dec,4 sat, the problem is i always get down choices to two or three options but i always leave out correct answer and pick wrong answer.</p>

<p>Ok, I used to have the same problem, so I can sympathize w/the frustration. A lot of prep books tell you that in many questions you have to find the BEST answer. This makes it sound so ambiguous, but it really isn't if you read closely. There is only going to be one, explicit answer. For example, if you take a reading section untimed, you should be able to strike out "ambiguity" and get the correct answers. You have to read efficiently and understand (!!) what you're reading. If you feel like you're being subjective/forcing an answer to work, it's probably wrong. Reading well will make the correct answer stick out. Just practice.</p>

<p>x__x; I always do best on the critical reading...</p>