Critical Reading

<p>How long should I take on reading passages?</p>

<p>You get 70 minutes total and it will take the average person 20 minutes in total just for reading.</p>

<p>Divide that up between the passages (adjust for length) and that's your answer.</p>

<p>This does not count the time you need to skim the passage for the answer.</p>

<p>How many minutes should I spend on 1 passage?</p>

<p>When you get to a passage, QUICKLY mark all the line references throughout the passage mentioned in the question. Follow the passage by the questions because reading the entire passage and then reading the line references over again is a waste of time if you ask me. If there is a line reference for lines 9-14 for question #1, read from lines 1-20, and then answer the question. You want to definitely mark where all the line references are in the passage so you won't be looking for it later.</p>