Critique my college list please

I narrowed down my college list to 10 colleges, even though online people are saying you should get it down to 8 I really don’t want to remove any more. The first two are reach, the middle are good fit, and the bottom are safeties (just in terms of admission rates and selectivity, I haven’t looked into how expensive they all are or anything like that).

Previously, my list was much longer, you can peruse the thread I created about that earlier list here:

carnegie mellon

northeastern u


These last ones didn’t make it onto list (there were a lot more but these are the ones I was most reluctant to remove)

rensselaer polytechnic inst
boston u
boston college
rose hulman
notre dame
american university

Thanks for any responses, I would appreciate any input you have to offer :slight_smile:

You need to at least run the NPCs for what you consider safety schools. If you can’t afford those then you’re just throwing away app $ when you can’t afford them after you get in. With a 1540 SAT and a 3.7 GPA you should at least get some good $ from Bama. Would you be happy attending the schools at the bottom of your list?

I am currently in the process of running NPC’s for all of these schools, when I’m done it may well be that I need to revise my list again. I spent a long time sorting through my longer list from my previous post and would be more than happy to attend any of the schools that are on my updated list, even the bottom ones. I am considering that I maybe should not even apply to my reach schools, because if I am accepted I would surely want to attend one of them, but I do not think I would receive much financial aid from them and would not therefore be able to afford them, so in the end I may just be wasting application fees as you say.