<p>Hi again, I have one essay completed. I am not applying till next year but I thought it would be a good time to start on the essays.</p>
<p>So, if you are interested, PM me. Thanks!</p>
<p>Hi again, I have one essay completed. I am not applying till next year but I thought it would be a good time to start on the essays.</p>
<p>So, if you are interested, PM me. Thanks!</p>
<p>wat a keeeeener...
oh wow</p>
<p>holy moly. you should wait til december 31 and start all of your essays like I did hahahahah.</p>
<p>well you know i usually procrastinate, but i figure this is a pretty important thing so if i write a lot of essays i'll eventually find one that really jumps out at me</p>
<p>Maybe i shudnt have applied to columbia...</p>
<p>Do the essays just not change, ever?</p>