I am a Chem major potentially switching into ChemE at Berkeley. I really liked E7 and I would like to take another CS class. Since I’m going to be here over the summer I was thinking of potentially learning another language like Python/Java. Should I take 61A/61B alongside Math 53 or take the Python Class on Coursera offered by UMich?
Depends on how much free time you have. If you can devote 15-20 hours of work a week to it, then go for 61A, it’s a great class. But remember that it will be more like 8 units, since it’s in summer. If it’s only that and 53 then I think it’s a doable schedule.
CS 61B would be quite intense for someone without experience in object-oriented programming and experience writing somewhat larger projects. The summer version, 61BL, is three hours of lab a day, four days a week, plus a lecture on the off day. As a CS major, I loved the class, but be prepared to write a lot of code if you go that route.
Alternatively, you could wait until fall and take “Data” 8 (currently crosslisted as CS/Stat/Info C8). As a uGSI for that course, I strongly recommend it for anyone who’s interested in programming but doesn’t want to jump all the way into 61A.
If you take the python course on coursea, that would be good prep for 61A, but from the syllabus it looks to be far below the level of 61A or Data 8. You’d learn more just going into a Berkeley CS class.
Overall if you don’t have any commitments but Math 53, I would recommend doing 61A, with 61BL as another possibility if you think you can handle it.