CS Major Financial Help

Didn’t share my parents income here, that was mine, and it’s not a small amount at all, my parents EFC without my income would drop 10000

While UCLA CS is a reach for any applicant (frosh or transfer), CSUN is not impacted for CS, you would be a local area applicant coming from SMC, and it admitted local transfers meeting CSU minimum requirements with a 2.00 college GPA for fall 2022 and spring 2023. So CSUN (a CSU that you can commute to from Santa Monica) would not be hard to transfer to. CSULA (another CSU that you can commute to) also is not generally considered hard to get admitted to.

I.e. if your parents will subsidize your live-at-home costs while you attend college, and you do well at SMC, you will have two safety or highly likely CSUs and one reach UC within commute range.

  • Yep I am, parents were naturalized but I was born here

  • 2021, 2022 fiscal year earnings are 900$ from a late contract payment, and then potentially up to 5000$ for liquidation of extra products, I’m running one last “group buy” but after that I’m shutting it down because the amount of work it takes compared to the insanely low stability ( my first project sold $400000 worth and netted me the $40k profits but my other projects have fluctuated in the low thousands or failed) has made it infeasible for me to do it any further.

  • I’ve set private school calculations to 4 years, just they seem to give significantly more aid than any public schools

  • I’ll talk to our insurance and surgeon, but when I talked with my dentist about it he basically told us because he had to refer us to another surgeon instead of himself, it no longer fell under our insurance (we have a ■■■■ ortho policy so it could be due to that, but I’ll be talking with them to figure it out)

For the Roth I’m going to figure out how I deal with the contrib limit, but for now what was going to happen was basically the slow way, 6k a year while the remainder sits in a high yield savings account or CD as an emergency fund

It looks like any residential college is too expensive unless it gives the OP a scholarship significantly higher than full tuition. If the OP’s parents will subsidize the OP living at home while attending college, then commuting to SMC and transferring to CSUN, CSULA, or UCLA would likely be affordable within the stated financial limits.


That’s not how a Roth works. You can’t contribute earnings from past years to a Roth in future years. Roth is limited to the max of your earnings, up to $6K max for 2022/whatever the limit is in a given year. So for example, if you have no earnings in 2023, you can’t contribute to a Roth. What year did you earn the $40K in?

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Do your parents own a home in CA? I’m not sure how many of the private schools on your list use home equity in their finaid equations…but I think some do.

At this point, I think you need to wait until all your application decisions are reached, and see where you stand.

But my free advice…if it’s not affordable…don’t pretend that it is.


2021 like I mentioned before, but got it

We don’t, got it

I also think Western Illinois will get below $25K. Net Price Calculator - Western Illinois University

Thanks for clarifying. Then your 2022 Roth contribution would be limited to the $900 in earnings.

ETA: Personally, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to invest your savings in your education. Plus you can take out the $27K max in undergrad loans.

To OP …sorry @Mwfan1921

don’t like debt but if you are 17 and saved that much money, you’ll likely have no issue making it again and then some.


Just to jump in - first of all, I am sorry this is so hard and you seem to be handling all of this with a lot of maturity.

Regarding costs, you need to consider the cost of travel to/from an away campus - for holidays and move-in the airline costs really increase, costs to set up your dorm room, health insurance required by the college if your family plan does not work in that area and money for a bit of fun and going out to coffee etc.

I am not sure if Univ of Utah offers Comp Science - but will give you instate tuition after 1 year if you attend/stay in Utah over the summer. Excellent honors dorm and program plus a far amount of Calif students. SLC would be drivable for you too - vs having to fly, if your parents are willing to take you to/from.

You are getting great advice on this thread and I am still a bit confused why your HS is pushing you out early, as their should be plenty of classes left for you to take, but I know nothing about Calif HS rules.

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hope so haha

Hey, thanks for this!

UU does offer it, and everything looks great there so I’ll submit an app

I honestly don’t understand why my HS did this, and I argued with them about the risks and everything but they were adamant. To a degree though there really wasn’t much left to take, I had AP Lit(which I took this year on top of Lang so technically not), Econ(took gov so I already had 4 years of social studies but still), Multivariable, Phys E&M(idek about this one since I was enrolled in it this year but not enough students wanted it), and then electives which for me would be Chinese 3/4 (3 if I hadn’t left early, 4 currently).

I think he means university of Arizona, which gives really good merit and is still taking applications, so you might want to give it a look.

Something is not right. They cannot push you out after 3 years. You should talk to the district office or state. This is hurried. And does not see right.


@Gumbymom can a public school district in CA force a student to leave after three years if all courses for HS graduation have been met. Or can the student stay and take higher level or DE courses for the fourth year.

@Ramlord do you attend a public high school?

I do, just tried to look through my districts policy and there’s 0 mention of anything about early graduation, so I’m not sure if they even have a formal policy

I would check with your HS district office Superintendent. I do not think you can be forced to graduate early.