Just got around to reading through all of this,
@DramaMama2021 Thanks for the advice!
@thumper1 I’d wanted to graduate early for a while, but I’d assumed that I’d be given the choice of staying were I to not have any viable options around now, obviously it turned out to be different, but seeing that I was still outpacing people in the grade above me by a large margin I thought I was solid enough to at least get my major at CPP or maybe get CP SLO. Parents also had avoided the money issue like I mentioned earlier so I didn’t know how fully constrained I was in my options.
@RookieCollegeMom Basically my parents savings were drained because of COVID, since my dad’s income was cut by 30% and our costs rose by much more than that, his income is still in a high range(mid 100k range) but our expenses outpace that by a lot, so their savings dwindled from being over double mine to a fraction of it. I go to a public school, and for insurance I was there when the processing happened and it fell under our dental insurance which wouldn’t cover it. In my current situation there’s none that either still take applications in state, or are at least worth the price they charge. E.g. SFSU is 27k/yr plus an extreme housing market around it, so if I lost housing for a year my cost would skyrocket. While UMN is 33k/yr with much cheaper housing and COL, and has a significantly better CS & Biz program that would get me my masters as well at a fraction of the cost of getting a full time MBA. I’m not international at all, my parents immigrated over 20 years ago, but they taught me farsi and english side by side which might’ve affected my writing style.
For the monthly payment, I’m forced to go off of that because my parents are doing the same, they plan on borrowing a PLUS loan no matter what (unless my loan covers it obviously) to keep their cashflow somewhat stable, so that’s the number I end up showing them along with the final paid amount incl interest.
What can you afford/year for school?
15k/yr in loan payments or as a lump sum school payments
You can’t say to a school that you ran a 6 figure business, that you are not low income, and your EFC is $38K, but you need more financial aid. The numbers don’t add up.)
Living in California, I think we 100% can, our COL is insanely high and I’ve told fin aid offices I’m shuttering my businesses and that I personally am also facing a loss of income.
Got it, sounds like a idea thanks!
I almost jumped on CPP but they didn’t give me my major, I have connections in their CS department to maybe get a transfer but I’m still a bit uncomfortable committing to a school without first having my major or at least a viable shot at my major in order.
My parents have large balances in their funds, but for a retirement fund they’re pretty small since they’re not old accounts (started 18 years ago iirc), so I’m trying to keep them from pulling from that to not jeopardize them more,