CS Major Financial Help

Sent that just as I redacted them haha


It’s a wealthy district - forgetting the city up the coast.

Something is amiss here - is there something you aren’t sharing - disciplinary or otherwise? They cannot just have you removed. I’m sure a call would confirm this.

Something isn’t being shared…they’re not just kicking you out - without four years if you’re at a normal age…

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I’ve had a clean record as long as I’ve been here so shouldn’t be that, looking through my emails it seems like the only time they actually told me about not being able to back out was in person, which I remember them basically wording as “once you petition for early graduation it can’t be undone”.

This is what needs to be clarified. You need to take this to the top. Explain you are a HS junior who made a mistake. I’m assuming you petitioned for early graduation…


never officially technically, I didn’t fill out paperwork nor anything else, I just had my graduation date on naviance adjusted and took the necessary classes. So there may be a case I can make


Nothing officially signed?

I would definitely look into this. I think the only thing you might have going against you is that you had your school send out transcripts, etc…like a graduating student. IOW, you were applying to colleges which implies you planned to graduate.

But do try…and try hard.

You still have a couple of pending applications. And you also could do a gap year or CC to 4 year route.

You have some choices here.

Good luck!


One thing that I might add: With a father who is 68 before you even start university, I would not have them take out any parent loans at all unless the younger parent is the one earning the most money – and only then if they can pay it all off before they reach 65.

Also, I would be very cautious about making sure that you will be able to afford to complete any program that you start. I have met one person, and heard about a few others, who got part way through their bachelor’s degree and then discovered that they had reached the limit of what they could borrow and were unable to complete you degree. This is something to avoid.


I want to add another thought.

If you really DO want to graduate early from high school…then really, just weigh your realistic options. It’s OK to graduate early if you want to…and can come up with a good plan.

Good luck to you!!


So you created this.

I assumed your parents signed off. Oh, wait, you never officially signed anything.

I would have them contact the distrcit first thing- you can be on - or I would email the contact for this - or even the superintendent - he’ll forward it - and see if you can get this fixed (assuming you want to - you said earlier you feel like you’re well ahead of the curriculum).

But you’re ran too fast without a plan - so i’d start here (assumign you want to undo this to buy yourself some time).

I’m sure this can be corrected - assuming you want this - but you need to speak to the right people - start with your principal or guidance counselor and move quickly.

Even if you decided to go elsewhere and you can, you may be late for housing, etc.

But I think a CC is absolutely the right play here short of a gap year.

But the entire thing is odd:

You’re graduating early - but you never signed anything to do so.

I dunno…go speak to your counselor, let them know a mistake was made.

But b4 you do, write down your options:

  1. Stay in school - even if DE - which will get you cheap college credits.

  2. Graduate - and go to CC - it’s bunk that this will hurt you getting into a public university in CA. It may not get you into the one you want.

  3. Take a gap year - get a job, take a class…or do something different…and apply for full rides next year - but you’ll have to be geographically flexible.

Your dad at 68 should not be risking retirement - unless he’s got ample funds to generate income to support himeself for 30 years.

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If there’s no paper trail (even if there is), involve your parents and make sure to reach as high up as needed.
You do NOT have to graduate early just because you applied to college or said so at some point. You’re a minor. Only your parents’ signature legally “counts”.

Next: use next year to take advanced DE classes through your HS, for free (thus saving money). Santa Monica is terrific: show UC’s (and CSUs) that you’re able to pull A’s in their tough Premajor/pre-req classes (using the Transfer Preparation track as a guide) to improve your odds at UCs, all 3 Cal Polys, and OOS universities that will provide enough merit. At worst, you got a free year of college out of the year, at best, you have a free year of college AND new, affordable options for college.


You need to get your counselor to show you the actual written policy on early graduation to prove what he is telling you, and prove that you are covered by it, even though you did not fill out paperwork on the subject.


Quick/Final Update

ASU upped their scholarship by 3.5k/yr, which after putting in all of my savings and moving around a few things allows us to attend on just out of pocket payments + stafford loans, so happy to say I’ve committed there!


Glad to hear that it worked out well for you. Best wishes!