CS Senior that really wants to go to Graduate school.

<p>Im a current CS senior and really want to go to a grad school, because I feel I need more from school and I feel I'm not done. I haven't taken the GRE's yet as I was always scarred I had no chance, so maybe you kind folks can evaluate me and tell me if I have a chance. </p>

<p>My GPA has hovered around 2.8 from semester to semester. Though in the Fall 2008 semester I had a gpa of 3.557 which consisted of 3x 400 level CS courses. The courses were all pretty rigorous. In the next semester(Spring 2009) I plan to do the same and get a even better gpa. I then must take 1 class during the summer which I plan to also get a A in and then graduate. I may also retake a class if they offer it in the summer.</p>

<p>At time of Graduation my Major(CS) gpa will be 3.255 and my overall gpa will be 2.9293(may be a tad higher then this as I may retake 1 class).</p>

<p>So I know im not in the best of situations, but ive practically worked my entire college career and thus didn't spend to much time on my academics. I easily could have had a higher gpa every semester if I limited work, like I did this past semester and plan to do for future semesters.</p>

<p>So what do you kind folks think. You can be harsh if you want. Its better to be realistic than a dreamer.</p>

<p>Hi Boroleum,</p>

<p>First off, I want to direct you to the Graduate school admissions 101 thread. There is a wealth of information available there that can answer many questions that you may have.</p>

<p>Are you planning on getting a Master’s degree or a PhD? In general, it is easier to be accepted to a master’s program than a PhD program since Master’s programs are generally self-financed (though not always).</p>

<p>The key to getting accepted into graduate school is not grades or GRE, but letters of recommendation and research experience. However, in some cases graduate schools might not let your application reach the admissions committee if your GPA or GRE is too low. If you are interested in a PhD program, it may be a good idea to get your Master’s first to get another chance at a solid GPA. Usually, adcomms look at your most recent GPA.</p>

<p>Anyway, I’m a senior CS major that applied to 8 schools this application cycle, so take my advice however much you feel it’s worth. Good luck in your graduate school aspirations.</p>

<p>I was planning on the MS. </p>

<p>I don’t have any research experience but can get some good letters of rec. When you say they look at the most recent gpa, do you mean they will see the 3.5 and judge me on that?</p>

<p>I was planning on the MS. </p>

<p>I don’t have any research experience but can get some good letters of rec. When you say they look at the most recent gpa, do you mean they will see the 3.5 and judge me on that?</p>

<p>I was planning on the MS. </p>

<p>I don’t have any research experience but can get some good letters of rec. When you say they look at the most recent gpa, do you mean they will see the 3.5 and judge me on that?</p>

<p>I was planning on the MS. </p>

<p>I don’t have any research experience but can get some good letters of rec. When you say they look at the most recent gpa, do you mean they will see the 3.5 and judge me on that?</p>