CSS - Mom lives with boyfriend

CSS Question: Enter the amount of cash your parents received and any money paid on their behalf.

So the house is under my mom’s name but her boyfriend lives with us and pays all the bills. Does this count as money paid on her behalf?


Don’t the bills have to be in her name for them to be paid on her behalf?

If mom owns the house, then presumably the electric, water, cable, etc. are all in her name at that address, no?

Is there a mortgage payment? Taxes and insurance on the house? If so…these are being paid on your mom’s behalf as the house is in her name.

I’ve seen people have all kinds of arrangements, especially in two earner households. I just thought the OP should check. It is likely the boyfriend pays his own car insurance, maybe phone. He may have added OP’s mother to his plans for some utilities like cable, streaming services, phone.

Not sure for CSS, but for FAFSA, the parent section does not ask for money paid on your behalf; only the student section asks.