CSS PROFILE - problem with a question

I am currently filling in the CSS Profile and I have encountered a phrase that I do not understand. Here it is:

Enter the amount your parents paid for all taxes, mandatory withholdings, and set-asides during their country's most recent tax year. Include income taxes, state and local taxes, levies, and mandatory retirement payments. (Itemize the sources and amounts in Explanations/Special Circumstances (ES).)

I don’t understand the part in brackets.
What should I itemize?
Should I explain what kind of payments (taxes etc.) are included in the amount?

Itemize the different taxes that were paid, by type and amount, in section ES.

Thank you!
Btw, the word ‘sources’ is quite misleading, because you usually get money from a source, not deliver it to a source…

Think of it as the source of the tax bill.

That is very helpful, thank you again!