CSS profile: Under construction Personal Residence/ Home

Our personal residence apartment is in an under construction building and is slated to be completed in by early 2025. Till that time we are living at my parents house (students grandparent’s). So how do we report or account for this in CSS profile as the apartment once ready will be our personal residence / home once complete and not a real estate investment property?

I would report the residence under construction as your primary residence.

Thanks for reply. But when in css profile they ask primary residence/home address we give the under construction residence address or current address?

I would use the primary residence address, but I would include a comment in the comment area indicating that you temporarily reside at such-and-such an address while your primary residence is under renovation.

However, your situation is sort of unusual in that it is a long-term absence from the home. Unless you live in the same area as the home, there could be some implications. You can call one of your schools to talk to them about your situation & ask them what to do.