
<p>First post here, so please be kind. </p>

<p>Can someone give me a brief explanation of what "CSS" is? I'm reading here about folks filling out a "CSS" in addition to the FAFSA, and I've never heard anything about the CSS.</p>

<p>I tried a search, but nothing relevant is coming up.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>It is another financial aid form that you will find on the collegeboard.com web site. Many, (most? all?) private colleges and universities need us to fill out that form as well as the FAFSA for their financial aid procedures. It is very similar in many ways to the FAFSA, but different in others. If you go to your schools’ financial aid web sites, you will see if they require you to do that in addition to FAFSA. It feels somewhat redundant, and yes, of course, it costs money to fill out; it is, after all, college board board. Here is the link:</p>

<p>[CSS/Profile</a> - student financial aid application](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>How to Complete the CSS Profile® – BigFuture | College Board)</p>

<p>Thank you, franglish…I’ll have to check the college website where my daughter plans to attend and see if they need it, although in all the times I’ve talked with the admissions counselor or in our visits I don’t recall them mentioning it at all…only the FAFSA.</p>