My older daughter took the CTP 5 Level 3 test in Grade 4 in early November - I believe fall administration is testing through previous grade level and spring administration tests thru current grade level.
We just got the results and generally happy as Verbal Reasoning and Reading Comprehension she had 9 stanines for national norm (NN) and also for Independent School norm (IN). However for Math there was a big drop off as a 8 in Quant Reasoning NN became a 6 in IN norm and a 9 in Mathematics became a 7 in IN.
She had a 92%ile in NN for Quant Reasoning which translated into 60%ile for IN and a 98%ile in Mathematics which translated into 83%ile for IN.
I have a couple of questions:
Are CTP results reasonably predictive of ISEE test results since ERB designs and conducts both tests?
In Quant Reasoning it seems like a big drop in going from 92%ile in NN to 60%ile in IN. Is this very sensitive to getting even a few questions wrong? I know she ran out of time in this section.
We will be applying to very selective Manhattan private schools for Grade 6 admissions to Sept 2021 class so likely taking ISEE end of summer next year and I am wondering if getting a 7 would be disqualifying for the most selective private schools in any section.
I don’t know the CTP, but my child took the ISEE for 7th grade entry (and New England independent school admissions). My understanding is that, for the ISEE, national norms do not matter; it is normed based on other ISEE test takers. I would imagine that the independent school norms for the CTP and ISEE are highly correlated, though. I say this not so much because they are designed by the same company, but because performance on all of these tests tends to be highly correlated if the same norms are used.
I don’t know much about NYC day school admissions, but there is a point of view (which I agree with, from having seen the ISEE math) that the verbal scores should be given more weight on the ISEE because the test tends to be more achievement oriented than the SSAT. Stated differently, some kids have had more math (which can be easily taught), but having a very high verbal score is a different cup of tea. That might help your daughter, with the caveat that girls generally score better on verbal on these tests and boys better on math.
In any event, I don’t think a 7 on any section is disqualifying for the most selective schools. Two 6s might not be, either, assuming the others are at least an 8 and 9. Of course, not being “disqualified” does not mean she will get in!
Thank you @Pincite. Looking at the ISEE test format and topics it seems very similar to CTP so it would make sense that there would be a high correlation between the independent school normed stanines on CTP and ISEE stanines.
Good news is that we have time to practice and make sure she does better on Quant Reasoning. She told me she missed (did not have time to attempt) a few questions at the end on this section.
You should post your question on urbanbaby. There are many parents there that have gone through this already and can chime in with their experiences. You can post on the general section, but there is also a NY Schools section.