Culturally Oriented Student?

So I am a student that’s very strongly influenced by my culture (Chinese). I’ve been doing Chinese Lion Dance for almost 9 years, and I’m afraid that the amount of cultural activities on my resume (Chinese culture, culture diversity, Chinese summer camp, president of Chinese student council in Chinese school, Chinese fair volunteer) would make me look bad in the eyes of an admissions officer. Is it true that culturally influenced students are more likely to get rejected? I’ve also had some long summer internships at a Science Museum, but everything else is pretty much Chinese. Would this turn off the admissions office?

I don’t know, but as long as you have been enjoying yourself, does it matter? All you can do is apply and find out. It certainly will look bad if you suddenly try to cram in a bunch of totally unrelated activities. You are consistent, and clearly like Chinese culture, so why is that a bad thing? DO NOT DO STUFF JUST BECASUE YOU THINK IT WILL GET YOU INTO AN IVY SCHOOL. They will spot it a mile away. I have read a thousand times, do what you enjoy doing.

"Is it true that culturally influenced students are more likely to get rejected? " This makes no logical sense. Ignore that.

Of course not. I suspect what you are really asking is, “Will being of Chinese origin count against me?” That question has been asked and answered dozens of times on CC. Some people perceive a bias against Asians generally - others don’t. You’ll have to do the research and decide for yourself. But the point remains, you are who you are. There is nothing you can do to change that. I assume you engaged in these activities because you enjoyed and valued them which is reason enough to do them. Twisting yourself into something you aren’t for the purposes of college applications is a losing proposition.