Culverhouse Business Honors Program (BHP)

<p>Got an email this morning from our son saying he was accepted into the CulverHouse Business Honors Program for the class of 2015! very excited for him…! he had just finished setting up his schedule and registered for classes this week…may have to juggle a few things around to make it work… </p>

<p>Anyone have any experience with the Business Honors Program…?</p>

<p>No experience, but I wanted to say congratulations to your son!</p>

<p>Thanks…! he just called…he’s a little concerned about how many hours the Presidential Scholarship covers as he would be at 17.5 hours with the addition of the BHP 1.5 hour per semester add on…and wants to still graduate in 8 semesters with the double major…</p>

<p>Does anyone know the max number of hours per semseter he can take under the Presidential…? He has a message in to the scholarship office, but thought I would check here…</p>

<p>Presidential covers 20 hours. He’s fine with 17.5. My D has 18 this semester and it was totally covered.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son!
Our DD graduated in May 2012 and was fortunate enough to be selected for this program.
It is a fabulous program and I can’t say enough about Dr. Dave Heggem and team!
They have regular business people in to discuss their careers, companies and how these young people can apply those insights.
They do projects with small businesses in Alabama and learn pratical knowledge.
It’s also a great connection point to faculty, for internships and ultimately permanent employment.
Our DD was fortunate enough to leverage this program to secure an internship in NYC, receive numerous recognitions in the way of honors in Culverhous and ultimately a great job making very good money!!!
Congratulations again!</p>

<p>Very nice…we’d pay the extra but if they cover 20 that is awesome…! I can’t put in to words how much we love BAMA. It just seems that the answer to every question on any topic about Bama we have ever had over the last few years has been answered with the answer we were hoping to hear…! Roll Tide</p>

<p>Just validating Beth’s Mom’s reply. Up to 20 hours on Presidential, but to go above 18 you get to get an over ride from an advisor.</p>

<p>DS has had 18 hours each semester this year and had no issues getting things scheduled. Is trying to register for 20 hours for next fall and is having to get the over ride.</p>

<p>adpmom - he has already accepted his invite to the program…appreciate hearing how it had an impact on your daughters life…! glad to hear that…congratulations to her…!</p>

<p>beth’smom and memphisguy - thanks for the info on the hours allowed…appreciate it.</p>

<p>Sounds wonderful! But can someone explain to me (and maybe others) what the difference is between being in the UA Honors program as a business major and the Business Honors Program? I take it the BHP is for upperclassmen and is by invitation only? What are the requirements?</p>

<p>From the catalog:</p>



<p>Congrats to Searchguy’s son (and of course his dad!)
and this is a Greek student for those concerned with being able to balance fraternity life and academics!</p>

<p>I seem to remember reading somewhere that one also had to have declared their major which you can’t do until you are the the “upper division” B school…so those coming in with alot of AP/CLEP credits still can’t to BHP until they are in the B school.</p>

<p>***for those with incoming students make sure your students take all of the required courses to be able to “apply to the upper division” as soon as possible</p>

<p>Admission to the College’s Upper Division
Business students are required to apply for admission to the upper division of the College and to a major program. Application for admission to the upper division and to a major program must be made upon completion of a set of specific requirements outlined below.</p>

<p>Entering freshman students will be designated LAC, LEC, LFI, LMGT, LMKT, LMIS, LOM or LGB depending on their intended major. All lower-division students are administratively housed in the College, and they receive academic advising in the A.H. Bean Undergraduate Student Services Center in 10 Bidgood Hall.</p>

Students are eligible for admission to the upper division and to a major program—and are therefore entitled to enroll in 300- and 400-level business courses—only if they meet the following standards: </p>

<p>•Students must have earned a minimum of 60 hours of credit. Students may apply for admission to the upper division either in the semester during which junior standing will be achieved or after junior standing has been achieved. Credit earned by such means as Advanced Placement (AP), CLEP or departmental placement is counted toward the 60-hour requirement. Students who have completed coursework at another institution and wish to have that work applied to the 60-hour requirement must see to it that transcripts from the other institution(s) are forwarded as soon as possible to The University of Alabama. All hours completed that are not officially transferred to the student’s University of Alabama record cannot be included in the calculation of the 60-hour requirement. Courses (and hours) in which a student has earned a grade of “Incomplete” (I) cannot be included in the calculation of the 60-hour requirement until the grade has officially been changed to a passing grade.
•Students must have completed the following required courses with grades of C- or higher:</p>

<p>EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics 3
EC 111 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
EN 101 English Composition 3 (or EN 103 in lieu of 101 & 102)
EN 102 English Composition 3
MATH 121 Calculus & Applications 3
MATH 125 Calculus I 4
ST 260 Statisticl Data Analysis 3
AC 210 Intro To Accounting 4
LGS 200 Legal Environmt Business 3</p>

<p>Dominar - Beth’s mom’s post is accurate in students applying need a 3.5 and 61 hours to apply. It is a selection process with interviews and such that I believe is late fall/very early spring. They typically take between 25 - 30 young people, and you are selected your Junior year for Junior and Senior year participation.</p>

<p>Cool, thanks. Just one more reason to be jealous of kids today. We never had these kinds of opportunities when I was in school! Heck, I don’t even remember having any sort of academic advisor. You got your catalog and the rest was up to you, LOL. :)</p>

<p>Heck! I drove to 1.5 hours to Texas A&M to stand in the add/drop lines! No advisor, nothing to do while standing in line except to talk to others in line, and if the class got filled while standing in line… you were out of luck!</p>