CUNY to Cornell?

<p>I currently go to CUNY baruch college, and am looking to transfer, possibly to cornell. I will be applying as a 1st term sophmore, starting the 2nd term in another school ( starting college in spring sem.) My gpa is, after a winter class about a 3.5 - 3.6, i have a 1250 SAT(620E/630M). My high school part is pretty horrible, i took all honors and a few ap classes, but i eventually just dropped out.( pure apathy i guess was why). Im just wondering of my shots at cornell accepting. Also, im considering taking the SAT again, although its been a while since i took it, on 2 hours of sleep and not studying =(. Any insight or help would be appreciated</p>


<p>not too high =(. the sat is too low… gpa is soso but it wont hurt to try. some kids with 2200 and 4.0s get rejected but others with 1900 sats and 3.5s get in…</p>

<p>Depends on what school. I think not because most transfers have 3.8+ college GPAs. Sorry :(</p>