Current Student Applying to Honors College

<p>DD is a current OOS freshman and not in the Honors College. After speaking to her advisor she is interested in applying to the to the HC. </p>

<p>Might she also be eligible for tuition benefits (i.e. in-state tutition)?</p>


<p>By joining the HC she’ll enjoy priority registration, but she will not be eligible for in state tuition.</p>

<p>Scholarship benefits are by stats, not because of Honors College admission. The Honors College admits all qualified who apply, therefore it wouldn’t be feasible to give all “instate tuition” especially since it admits all with an ACT 28+.</p>

<p>If your D qualifies for the HC, then she could qualify for a good-sized scholarship simply based on her stats. What is her SAT (Math + CR) or ACT score? GPA?</p>

<p>Has she submitted the scholarship app? If not, quickly do so.</p>

<p>Edited to add…</p>

<p>Sorry…I misread the question. Your D is a CURRENT student at Bama. </p>

<p>No, she wouldn’t get any tuition benefits. The HC accepts all applicants who apply who have the minimum GPA requirement of 3.3. It would not be affordable to give all those students instate tuition.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your quick responses. Your answers were what I had guessed but DD was telling me otherwise. I think she is misinformed.</p>

<p>In addition to priority registration she would also be able to attend the Honors College events (tailgates, speakers, coffee hour, etc. ) and take Honors courses, both departmental (like Honors Micro Econ, Honors Accounting, Honors English, etc.) and university honors seminars (like Arts of Tuscaloosa, Etc.)
[All</a> Courses | Honors College](<a href=“]All”>
As others have already mentioned she would not get the OOS scholarship money as those are really “freshman recruiting” scholarships that the students keep for 4 years assuming they keep up their grades.</p>