Current Students v. Prospective Ones

<p>I've noticed something interesting (to me) with this UC Berkeley College Confidential forum. Most CC use for other colleges, as far as I can tell, is by prospective students asking current students and parents their questions. This Cal one seems to be at least as much about current students get advice. I think that's great, and in fact it gives prospective students a much better feel for what life at Cal is really like, but I wonder why the difference. Were most of you current student CC users when you were applying to college, and you just continued, or did you find CC later? I wonder if students at other schools have other resources for getting this kind of information. Are there other online forums at Cal for getting the kind of information you get here, once your enrolled?</p>

<p>Thank you for asking since I’ve been wondering the same thing.</p>

<p>I found CC when I was doing some random Google searches on various questions I had about UC Berkeley (after getting accepted, so in high school). I had it bookmarked for about a week, and figured that I might as well just sign up. I think I have seen an official Berkeley forum somewhere before, but it wasn’t very impressive so I ignored it.</p>

<p>I’ve been a CC viewer since high school, and I joined my senior year of high school. </p>

<p>I am speaking for myself, but in such a large campus, it’s hard to find good information on what some classes are like (especially with unreliable peer advisers who honestly cannot span the breadth of majors offered at Cal). Moreover, I find that CC has a niche community of fairly like-minded students with slightly different goals. I’m not entirely sure if the last sentence made too much sense, but in a nutshell, it’s nice to find a community amidst such a large student body – especially a community that collectively has a wealth of information regarding classes, activities, professors, etc.</p>