Current Transcript [freakout]

Hi, so the big trouble is our school’s first semester (and there is no quarter) grading period ends on Jan 12th, meaning whoever’s in charge of transcripts’ll only have one day to upload it to gateway.

Anyone know how I can save myself? (Eg can you submit it a few days late or something) I’m taking some advanced courses so the transcript is quite important for me.

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The people you should be asking are the schools you are applying to. No one here will be able to give you an answer.

Reach out to the admissions office (or rep you have connected with) at each school and let them know about your school’s grading period. Ask them what they would prefer you to do. Most will likely say it is fine to have the transcript arrive a little later and it will look good that you are being proactive.

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ok thanks to above 2 replies
I was just wondering if anyone else has same situation or smth

Not in the same situation as my daughter’s school sent transcripts two days after her semester ended (the two days were the weekend). They were super on top of it.

But, just reassuring you that this will not be an unknown phenomenon to the schools. They will be able to tell you exactly what to do.

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Since my grades get finalized on January 13, I asked my teachers if they could finish grading my assignments and test a week early, and asked my principal if I could get my grades finalized a week early and everyone said yes. Now that I think about it though, contacting AO’s is probably better.

I don’t think you need to worry about this. The schools understand that this is out of your control.
Just be sure to complete everything that you can control.
Having said that, keep the pressure on your school to submit ASAP.


Certainly ask your schools. But I will say that when my students applied 2 and 3 years ago, their grades came out in early February and all 24 total schools they applied to were totally fine waiting until then for transcripts. I think it’s pretty common.

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yea mine is finalized J12
but i doubt my teachers would agree to finishing early. I dont think they can?? I mean two of the teachers can. But one of my teachers havent given grade of MIDterm back soo.

I have this hope of, somehow my teachers’ll finish before J12 and so the staff would get 2 or 3 business days to handle this instead of one. But anyways I will email the admissions offices sometime next week

Personally, I would 0% worry about this. Sounds like the grades will arrive within a week of J15. I even think it might be listed officially on websites that there is a grace period for transcripts, as many schools will not have a final semester grade sent before J15.

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Beem through the BS process with several children now. I promise you, even HADES schools will not strike your application if a transcript is missing. But be pro-active and reach out to the AOs you’ve interviewed with and let them know the situation—short and sweet note with the facts, a thank you for their help and a please let me know if you need anything else.

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thanks! Turns out the grades are finalized on 20th :skull_and_crossbones: and the school needs, “at least two weeks” to process and send the transcripts so I’d be grateful if everything is received by FEB 10th…

Note that if it will be mid February, you could also send a screenshot of the report card as a placeholder and let it follow up with the transcript. We did that for one school where she was competing for a full ride scholarship, and she needed the grade info a bit earlier.

They dont— issue—unofficial reports. And what’s more the powerschool for first semester already closed (so you cant see your first sem grades / attendance records anymore)

All I can do is screenshot the canvas pages which do not look good but you make a great point so maybe i’ll ask schools what I can do if not received after e.g. Feb 5th

It was unofficial for sure. We literally pulled up her grades on powerschool and took a screenshot. But that plus all her official grades from the previous 5 semesters gave a very good picture so they could make decisions about the scholarship finals weekend. then of course it was replaced with the real transcript.

I meant, for me that’s not possible (because grades are not finalized but even if they are, the school doesnt give me unofficial copies and powerschool is closed for first semester already) but I’ll ask the school if there’s something else I can do.

Edit: and I really hope my 8th grade transcript’ll be taken accounted for when they are evaluating everything cuz my 7th grade was homeschooled and because I’m taking really, really advanced course in math and honors in physics

Hii, just wanted to say this was incredibly helpful it’s what I did today because some schools sent reminders saying its fine if your current transcripts are submitted later but some schools didnt so.

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I, too, while analyzing information about various schools! It is difficult to change something with the rating system!